Chapter 7

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Alison (Ollis mum) ^^^


I rang the door bell of the two giant double doors, the mini room that had an elevator and the front doors was very fancy, it had a table in the middle with a huge bunch of flowers, the floor was some sort of stone and the walls were covered in patterned wall paper. I waited for a few seconds before Olli opened the door. He looked hansom as ever with his messy hair slicked to the side. He had a smile on his face as he greeted me, he hugged me,

"Hey I'm glad you could make it!" He led me through his house "welcome to my overly expensive house." I smiled, he was right the house was amazing, it wasn't huge but it was certainly big enough and spacious, whoever designed it has got good taste.

"So this is my sisters room, this is the guest toilet, Aely our maids room, this is the dinning room and this is, the living area," God damn it was amazing. The marble kitchen and the lounge looking at Central Park. My observations we interrupted

"Well hello" I turned around to a lady looking about 45 she had her light brown hair tied up in some sort of braid thing. She was wearing a 50s styled dress with an apron on top. Her heals were oh my god. Legit they were red and shiny, you could kill someone with them! I took her hand and shaked it, she had a smile. "You must be Olivia?"

"Yes that's me"

"Well you certainly are gorgeous" she then winked at Olli, I guessed this was his mum "well I'm Ollivers mother, Alison" I was right

"Well it's nice to meet you and welcome me to your amazing home!"

"Oh why thank you, I designed it all my self!" She seemed happy with her self as she looked around, which she should be it was awesome!

"It's beautiful!" She smiled and Olli lead me to his room.

"So I have to ask you something" he looked at me with his gorgeous blue eyes

"Are you a werewolf?" What? How? Was I obvious?

"Um no, why? They don't exists!" Ollis smile turned into a grin, he sat on his bed and patted the spot next to him.

"Liv I really like you but not as in crush way, I can't. I like our maid, well more than like, you see she's the same age as us and there's more but anyway. I know you're a werewolf because when you thought I was Astra" oh god "you said what you said and any normal human would brush it off but I knew what you meant. I understand that you wouldn't want him, he is ugly" we both laughed a little at that "I'm a werewolf too, and my mate is our maid but my mum can't know that, she wants me to mate with a Luna and well you're one and all but that's not why I brought you here. I just wanted you to know I'm also a werewolf, I feel as though I have no one to talk to about werewolf things and now that I've found you I can, but do you want the Same friendship, will you trust me?" This was a lot of new information in one gulp. I took it all in, I completely understood the mate thing except his mate was gorgeous and mine well... wasn't! I knew I could trust him and I wanted him to be able to trust me!

"You can trust me and I so want this relationship!" He smiled and so did I. He grabbed me into a hug. He pulled away and said with a smile

"I knew you were different and great!"


We talked for the next two hours about everything except he seems to be hiding something from me but I didn't want to push him, we had only just become real good friends.

Dinner was amazing! His sister was super funny and so was his mum, his dad was a downer though, he didn't really talk and was busy on his phone the whole time and the maid well she was really cute and quite!

I thanked Alison and Olli, I said bye and Olli walked me out

"Tell Aely she can talk to me about everything!"

"Thank you and will do, see you on Monday."

So one of Ollis secrets is gone two to go! Also what with his dad? Haha have fun guessing!

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