a stormy move in

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Phoebe and Olive scurried to the cab, huddling under Phoebe's jacket to cover from the pouring rain.

 "Jesus is it always this bad?"

 Olive asked the driver slamming the door behind the two girls. 

"Erm well there's a big storm comin in this year, some say it will be the worst in 69 years."

 the cab driver replied in a strong British accent. Phoebe smirked at Olive mocking the accent silently which made Olive giggle. 

"Okay can you take us to this address?"

Phoebe asked, showing the cab driver an address on google maps. The cab driver nodded and started driving, he slammed on the brakes and the two carry ons slid back and slammed against the girls. "Sorry bout that girls" the girls looked at each other alerting one another that he was giving weird vibes.

Phoebe and Olive ,exhausted by the flight from Dallas, fell asleep for the remainder of the cab ride. Olive batted her eyes open slightly ,disoriented she glanced over at Phoebe who was still dead asleep. Olive looked around noteign how the city building's lights complimented the now dark sky. 

Rain, still pouring, only now with colossal lightning strikes occasionally lighting up the dark sky she loved so much. Olive shook Phoebe awake, who at first was reluctant but then slowly opened her eyes.


 Phoebe could barely muster the energy to get a word out. The cab driver pulled into the entrance of a run down building, they couldn't afford to rent an apartment in central London so they were forced to room with two other strangers. Not knowing much about them, they just prayed they weren't sketchy. The girls started to get overly excited as they saw them approaching the place, immediately getting a boost of energy. 

"Waitt we are gonna have to introduce ourselves to the roommates" 

Olive remembered, Phoebe groaned dramatically.

 "No please I'm so tired literally what".

They tipped the cab driver 5 pounds and entered the door into the lobby. The lobby was plain, an old couch paired with an old lady as a receptionist. The girls started walking towards the elevator when they were interrupted by her 

"where do you think you're going? I cant let just anybody in here ,not anymore anyway." 

Olive turned around and replied

 "oh I'm sorry! We're going to apartment 804."

 The lady looked the two of them up and down and decided it wasn't worth making a fuss and signaled them to go. Phoebe clicked the elevator button giving Olive a glare that said 'HAHSHAH WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT'. They entered the elevator looking around it as Olive clicked floor 8. "I genuinely fear that this elevator may drop at any second 

'' Olive joked, Phoebe replied "that would be kinda quirky tho like",

 ''what the hell is wrong with you, sometimes i wonder what goes on in your head".

 They fumbled out of the elevator skipping down the hallways looking for number 4, finally they found it, "nah cause watch there be cute boys living in here" Phoebe said waiting to knock.

 "Ha fingers crossed" 

Olive replied, knocking on the door twice. They looked at each other nervously anticipating for someone to open the door. A couple seconds later Phoebe raised her hand going to knock again but before she could the door swung open to a guy, tall brown haired wearing plaid pajama pants and no shirt on. 

"Hello? Can I help you?" 

the guy groaned, sounding like he just woke up. Phoebe looked at Olive who was clearly shocked at his unfair looks, she tried to talk but she just stuttered. Phoebe rolled her eyes and explained. 

"Hi we are your new roommates " 

she stuck out her hand to greet him. His eyes widened and he shouted back into the apartment 

"Clay get the fuck up you didn't tell me they were coming today".

 He turned back around smiling at us sarcastically, he looked at olive, stared at her, there was clear tension. Phoebe broke the silence saying 

"I'm Phoebe and this is Olive" 

 he nodded.

 "Are you not gonna tell us your name?"

 he shook out of his clear trance and said 

"sorry yeah I'm Wilbur and this is Clay".

 They looked behind him as a blonde man approached the door ,also not wearing a shirt making it kinda awkward. Phoebe's jaw dropped and was internally screaming, it was almost like she could hear what Olive was thinking too. 

"Yeah hi"

 Clay said waving at them. It was awkward for a moment but then Phoebe started nervously rambling. She got tired of standing out in the hallway and pushed past the boys. Clay, shocked by her confidence, watched her walk away. He looked at Wilbur saying 


Then regretting it instantly remembering olive was still standing there listening. Wilbur broke out into a loud laugh and so did Olive, she stared at Wilbur adoring his laugh.

 "Let me show you around,"

 Wil said as grabbing Olive's hand, immediately giving her butterflies. Clay shut the door and looked around the flat for Phoebe, he found her looking through the kitchen cabinets. 

"Hey whatcha doing," 

Clay said, making her slightly jump. She turned around and couldn't help but stare at his unreasonably toned abs looking back up to his now smirking face 

"Shut up" Phoebe said flatly. 

"I didn't say anything, '' Clay replied, laughing a bit. 

"Put a shirt on" phoebe retorted with a sarcastic smile on her face. 

He looked down inching closer to her 

"are you sure you want me to?" 

he murmured propping his arm up past her leaning on the cabinets face


 phoebe was starting to get nervous yet turned on.

 "Make me"

 clay stated with a wide smirk on his face now inches from phoebe's now blushing face, feeling their breaths bounce off one another. Clay felt good knowing that he could make her so vulnerable so easily. Phoebe leaned in even more making the tension almost unbearable. 

"maybe I will"

 Clay knew how badly they both wanted this as he lifted her chin with his fingers, never breaking eye contact. The temptation was unbearable and unbreaking. Phoebe leaned in but before their lips touched clay smirked, grabbing a cup from the cabinet and moving away to the sink to get water. Phoebe could feel her heart racing at hundred miles an hour, she felt touch starved missing his absence. Meanwhile, Olive was feeling the same tension.

roomates (dream x oc &  wilbur x oc)Where stories live. Discover now