Wake Up Its Snowing <3 (fluff, light smut)

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Phoebe woke up the next morning wrapped in clays arms, the apartment was freezing for some reason but he was keeping her pretty warm. She placed a kiss on Clay's nose in an attempt to wake him up. 

"Mnnmnm '' he said as a no. 

She giggles, and then starts giving him small kisses all around his face while he was smiling with his eyes shut. He takes one arm off from around Phoebe to rub his face. 

"Why is it so cold?" He asks.

 "I don't know I was thinking the same thing" Phoebe replies. 

It is late November in London so it's quite cold outside. 

"I bet it's that musty old lady landlord that shut off our electricity just watch, '' Clay says sarcastically.

 Olive prances in the room giddily. "GUYS WAKE UP IT'S SNOWING '' she says excitedly. 

The girls aren't used to seeing snow being from Texas.

 "UR LYING '' Phoebe replies, trying to get out of Clay's grasp. 

Clay climbs on top of her so she cant move, 

"no don't go" Clay mumbles still tiredly.

 "come onnn I want to see the snow." Phoebe's voice muffled from under Clay. 

He refused to move. Wilbur walks in looking for everyone. Wilbur and Olive look at eachother and silently scheme to go jump a doggy pile on top of Clay and Phoebe. First Wilbur jumps on top of Clay and Olive follows jumping on top of Wil. Grunts come out of clay. Phoebe's laughter screams can be heard barely. Clay pushes his hands on the bed in an attempt to roll them off him and it works. Phoebe shuffles out the bed,

 "HAH, Olive lets go!" she says running out the room.

 "Oh no way" Clay says, getting up chasing after her.

 Phoebe's giggles grow louder as Clay catches up to her in the small apartment, she swings the front door open and runs out into the hallway to the elevator. 

"Come back here" Clay says leaning down and throwing her over his shoulder, 

"put me down right now or I swear to god" Phoebe says kicking and struggling.

 "Or what?" Clay says laughing. 

The elevator doors open to an elderly couple. They were shocked to see Clay in just his boxers and Phoebe slung over his shoulder kicking around.

 "Morning Mr and Mrs Santiago." Clay nods his head at them. Phoebe stops wiggling in embarrassment. Mr Santiago just gave an awkward smile and raised his coffee.

                 "Come on hurry up Wil! I want to see the snow" Olive says, attempting to drag Wilbur by his arm quicker out the door.

 Wilbur is moving at an annoyingly slow pace on purpose.

 "Ugh" Phoebe says while Wilbur smiles down at her. 

She pulls herself back at him and tries to pick him up from the waist. 

"That's a funny joke" He says down at her.

 She then lets go of him completely and starts running. 

"OK OK im coming" Wil says jogging after her. 

They run out into the hallway seeing Phoebe slung over Clay's shoulder waiting for an elevator. 

"You haven't gotten one yet?" Olive asks, referring to why they have been waiting for an elevator for so long.

 "Last one was occupado" Clay says laughing. 

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