Horseback Riding

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As always, I wake up with the sun. The white light shines through the long curtains over the windows of my wife and I's little farmhouse. Being careful not to wake her, I slip out of our bed to start the day. I slip on my black skinny jeans and flannel with steel-toed Timberlands. With my hair up in a messy bun, I trudge downstairs to feed the animals. As I walk around, all five of our dogs follow loosely. We own an Australian Cattle dog, a Scotch Collie, a German Shepherd, a Bernese Mountain Dog, and a Jack Russel Terrier.

Starting with the chickens, I throw them some feed so they're distracted as I collect their eggs. Once I have a basket full of eggs, I leave it in the barn to come back to while I let the horses out of their stalls.

"Hey, gorgeous," I coo to the first horse, Brandy. She's a beautiful dark brown Morgan horse. I slide her stall door open and she slowly walks out, her shoes clopping on the concrete all the way out to the pasture connected to the barn.

"Good morning, handsome," I greet the next horse, Russel, a huge light brown Clydesdale. He huffs softly as his own way of greeting me. Doing the same thing, I slide his door open and he walks to the pasture.

I let out all eight of our horses into the pasture before moving on to the cows. Since they're already in their pasture, I just top off their water buckets and haystacks. I don't have to do too much since we have workers on their way. Our farm is one of the producers for our town so we need workers because the work is too much for just our family. The workers will tend to the fields and take care of whatever I didn't do with the animals.

I grab the eggs I collected and head back to the main house, leaving the dogs outside to do whatever. I take my boots off before entering the house. In our kitchen, I find Liz just coming down the steps in an adorable farm outfit. Her wavy hair is loose, laying over a red and white flannel t-shirt. Her shirt is rolled at the bottom and tied into a little bun at her waist that's tucked. Her blue jeans are tucked into tan shin-high leather western boots.

"Morning, love," I smile at her.

"Did you already do everything?"


"Thank you." She pecks my lips as she walks past me further into the kitchen. "I'm thinking of going riding later, want to come?" she offers.

"I would love to."

She smiles then continues making the coffee. As she does that, I start cooking breakfast. I make our usual of eggs and turkey bacon. We own pigs so we don't like eating pork.

"If we go riding, I get the Morgan," I say as I'm placing the full plates of food on the table.

"You got her last time! She's ours, not yours," Liz argues.

"And I did the chores this morning. It's only fair," I shrug.

"If you waited, I would've."

"Animals can't wait. What if you didn't wake up until noon? They'd be stuck in those stalls all day."

"If you get her, you're cleaning the stalls."

"That's cold," I laugh.

"Oh, gotcha there."

I shake my head with a small laugh. I really want the Morgan but no one wants to clean the stalls.

"Maybe I'll take the Clyde so I can tease you about how you can't get on him without help," I tease.

"You know what? One day, I will be able to. Just you wait."

"Right," I chuckle. "So where are we riding?"

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