Chapter 9 hangover

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As I woke up that afternoon my head pounded. I already missed half classes that I'd had. Knowing I couldn't go Yammy left a note at my pillow.
Sorry about last night. That was crazy, we all thought you were having seizer or something. I'll collect your homework for all you day classes. Oh and btw your 'boyfriend' is picking you up around 5ish so look presentable.
- Y
Boyfriend? I don't remember- oh maybe she's talking about that one boy... What was his name? J... Jacob? Nah... Joel. That's it he was Joel. Why'd he want to go on a date with the girl that freaked out about a mollie?
Either way he was sweet so I didn't mind. I got up and stumbled across the room to our small counter and took some headache medicine and fixed a packet of poptarts. I smiled as it reminded me of times with Yammy.
When I was done I laid around until my head stopped hurting. I put on soft, calming music that made it go away easier. Around 4 Yammy came back to the dorm.
"Hey you're up," she glanced up at me. "Man, you look like shit. Didn't you read my note? Look presentable. Now go freshen up, I need to go to the store anyway."
I nodded and ran a cold shower to wake me up. After I put on light makeup just to cover up my paleness and bags. As I put on a dress Id worn at Insomnia 53 there was a knock on the door. I hurried to the door and straightened up my dress, took a deep breath and opened it.
Sorry for the lack of uploading I really do apologise x just been waaay to busy the last couple weeks. I'm going to start uploading this story more often so stay tuned
-x, Minx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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