Chapter 6: The Start of Something

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During Calculus I was praying that there’d be a fire drill or something to escape class. Two hours of the professor jabbering about what x squared times the square root of one hundred sixty-two wasn’t exactly my cup of tea. Finally school was over after Geography and Biology.

            Yammy and I went back to the dorm with the small group of friends we made.

            “What’s that?” Mitty asked pointing to some equipment.

            “Just some lighting.” I replied, I was already tired of people asking about it so I left it at that.

Mitty shrugged guessing I didn’t want to talk about it but Yammy opened her mouth instead.

            “- It’s for Youtube, Lizzie and I make videos.”

            “Hmm?” Annie and Mitty tilted their heads

I gave a look-what-you-done glance toward Yammy and briefly explained that we were Youtubers therefore all the lighting was necessary for the viewers need.

            “So you like…do this for a living?” asked Annie

            “Well until we get too old, no one wants to watch middle-age women still making videos.” Yammy explained. “Besides, we don’t make that much., just enough to get us by.”

We answered more questions about how much we make and what you have to be able to do such as flying and such to various countries.

            “Oh…I cant fly.” A smile dropped from Mitty’s face

            “Why not?” I asked

            “There’s been a lot of accidents while flying around here you know?”

            “Yeah I guess but have you ever went on one?”

            “No, just a little spooked by them.”

            “Well I tell you what, if we, together ever go anywhere that involves flying know that we’ll be there for you.”

She smiled.

            “Thanks I’d like that.” She said

There was a pause.

            “Hey are you all hungry?” Yammy said breaking the silence, “We could go out, I know a really good place.”

We all agreed and ate at a steak restaurant, Yammy and I paid the bill and drove back to the dormitory.

            “Hey, we should go, “Mitty sighed. “ Thank you all for the dinner. It was great and you’re going to have to show me your Youtube thing sometime.”

She smiled at Yammy and then at me.

            “Yeah, that’d be great!” I said as I quietly shut the door behind them.

I let out an exhausted sigh, I was tired from the school day not to mention it was close to 11 o’clock.

            “We should probably go to sleep.” I suggested.

            “Don’t be stuffy.” Yammy laughed. “Lets do something!”

            “Yammy, we have a biology exam tomorrow.”

            “So? Screw college!-”

            “Yammy!-” I interrupted

            “What? You have to lay off a little, do you want to look back saying ‘all I did in college is-is study? No, make something out of it. Here I know exactly where to go.”


Hey! Hope you liked the chapter x. Sorry it took some time to write just been busy traveling but next chapter should be up soon!

-x, Minx

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