Chapter One - First

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'No, I'm not going to ruin some 19 year olds life because I got delt rubbish cards,' I yelled at my aunty Bella.

'It was his mothers idea,' she reasoned.

'Tell someone who cares, because I don't. Do you really expect me to leave Australia to marry some boy who I have never met,' I screamed from inside my room.

'Yes I do,' she yelled back. I heard her stomp away to the kitchen. I looked around my room, it had light blue walls, a white double bed whith fairy lights around the head board, a massive mirror above it, my desk, my photo wall - no freakin way was I leaving all this. My friends, the only family I had left. And say I was going to got through with it which I'm not he should at least have to fly over here.

I should probably explain my dad died when I was 5 from a car crash and 2 months ago my mum died - cancer. Now I am left a 18 year old living by herself on the Gold Coast in Australia. Anyway, about a month before mum died her friend from her home town Anne had the genius idea that when my mum inevitably passed away her son Harry and I would get married, because mum was worried about me being all by my self - please, Bella never goes home. For the past month and a half Bella and I have pretty much fought everyday over the issue  and now I'm being shipped away in a week. 7 days. 168 hours. 10080 minutes. And nobody thinks to ask me how I feel about it, after all my mother did just die.

@Wren_is_the_best: You took the suit case I took the blame...

I tweeted, trying to kill time before I would have to inevitably have to go and talk to Bella. 

Eventually I decided to leave the safe heaven which is my room and go talk to Bella.

Bella has three kids, 2 girls and a boy. Both the girls are married with kids and her son is engaged.

'What about my baby?' I asked sitting down across from her at the table. I dont mean  an infant, I mean my car.

'It can stay at my house if you don't want to sell it and since you don't owe money on the flat you don't have to sell it or rent it, it can be your holiday house,' she informed me. Mum and I lived on the second floor right across the road from the beack - it was perfect. 

'Why are you doing this to me Bella?' I asked looking down.

'For you, I'm not trying to punish you, Wren and your mum wanted you to do this,' she sighed.  

***1 week later***

@Wren_is _the_best: I'll miss you Australia!!!

I tweeted as I sat in the waiting lounge in Brisbane international airport with Bella who was coming with me, but she was only going to stay a week in London with me. I feel sick to my stomach, what if Harry was some jerk (Bella had assured me he wasn't). He was going to hate me, I can feel it. This is a terrible, terrible, terrible idea and just incase I you missed it, it's a terrible idea. Who wants to get married at 18 - 18! 

I had decided to wear a pretty basic outfit seeing as how I would be on plane not a fashion show runway. Hightop converse, jeans and a black singlet plus a black sweater for when we arrived. I left my long brown hair out and did my eye makeup how I usually do it, black eyeliner, eye shadow and mascara and then put on a bit of lip balm. 

Finally, the call for our flight went over the loud speaker so we stood up and I grabbed my laptob bag and put my back pack on. On the flight I watched some movies and nearly the full first season of Pretty Little Liars - my favourite TV show, and a couple of episodes of Teen Wolf. 

'Wren, Wren love we're here,' I heard Bella say I slowly and hesitantly pulled off my eye mask. I was still on the plane. We stood up, grabbed our on flight laguage and went to check in. Well, it was cold and yet no one working their had a jumper on. I only had a thin sweater which was a monumental mistake because I was freezing, I put on my beaning and started to rub my hands together while I waited for Bella to go through customs.

'Done,' I quizzed as she walked over to me dragging her suitcase.

'Yes, now I got a text from Anne and she's outside waiting for us, so let's go,' Bella answered smiling at me. I rolled my eyes and started walking outside.  When we were outside I saw someone waving and looking in our general direction but thought nothing of seeing as there were lots of other people out here so she was probably waving to someone else, but, then Bella waved back so I guess that's Anne.

'Be pollite,' Bella warned me as we walked over. Bella and Anne did all the usual hugs and hellos before turning to me.

'Hi Wren, you might not remember me, the last time I saw you, you were about 8,' she informed me.

'Hi, nice to see you,' I answered. We quickly went over to the car, I was relieved when I saw that there was no mysterious boy in the car however there was a girl who got out as soon as she saw us getting close.

'Hi, good to see you,' she gushed. 

'Gemma you've grown so much,' Bella excaimed hugging her.

'I have, Wren you probably don't remember me but we used to play barbies together when you were little,' she explained hugging me.

'OMG, I actually do remeber that, remeber when my dog chewed one of their hands off and we both got new dolls,' I laughed at the memory.

'Yes, a hand for two new ones,' she laughed with me. 

'Do you remember Harry?' Anne asked.

'No, not at all to be honest, because I probably always hung out with Gemma when we were together,' I said trying not to sound rude.

We piled in the car and headed over to Harry's. Anne and Bella in the front and Gemma and I in the back.

'Do you remeber when I broke my arm when you still lived over here and then you had to have your arm wrapped up to?' Gemma quizzed.

'Yes, I used to worship you anything you had I had to have aswell,' I laughed remembering how she was that cooler older person I got to hang out with when I was little.

We moved to Australia a month after my dad because mum couldn't be anywhere near anything that reminded her of him for a long time. But when we did live in England we lived in Brighton. 

After a short car drive Anne pulled up outside an apartment building. 

'This is it,' Anne said. I took a deep breath wishing I could go hide in my bed. I got out of the car shaking. I can't do this, I'm not immotionally prepared. 

'Wren, take some deep breathes,' Bella whispered to me, probably taking in my worried expression. 

Gemma helped me get my suit cases out and took one for me. Still shaking we started walking into the building and then into the lift. I am going to be sick. He is going to hate me. I think I am going to faint.

'You look kind of pale,' Gemma noted.

'Do I,' I said faintly. 

'Calm down, we're not going to meet an ax murderer,' she laughed. How the hell could she laugh right now, oh, that's right she's not about to get married to some stranger. 

Anne knocked on the door. I looked down at my feet and started to play with my bracelet. 

'Hello,' a shaking voice said. I looked up slowly into a pair of green eyes, and then I felt my body colapsing and everything went black.

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