1. The Devil

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3rd Person POV

For many years, the Archon have sacrifice many for their people...

Even their own lives...


Once upon a time.

There was a world.

It had two groups, who brought destruction unto each other...

Why did they destroy?... Why... Did they kill?

The reason must have been lost to time...

Thought... No doubt the reason doesn't matter.

Through long conflict, and destruction... Their battle continued as if eternally.


At the end of the war... They made peace. They continue to co-exist...

Together they will establish peace.

Some may think it was folly.

Some may think it was for the best.


A long era of peace reigned.

And so did pass a long, long...

...long period of time.


Sadly... Some nations... Some new Gods... Some peoples... Didn't like the Devils and demons...

And so... Some of them banished Devils and demons from their nations.

All their people can hope... All they can wish...

Is that they're won't be another war breaking out between the two groups.


A boy with white hair, no older than 5, is walking through his the market of his hometown with his mother.

They are buying food and supplies for their home.

The boy stick with his mother. To scared to leave her side...

"That will be 150 Mora."


"Thank you for shopping here, come again."

"Come on, Kazuha." The mother motions his son.

They continue on their shopping, until the boy notice something from the corner of his eyes.

In curiosity, the boy approach it.

The boy look through the alleyway between the two shops, and saw something... No... Someone.

He tried to move closer towards it, trying to see who is it. Only for that someone to move away from him.

"I-its okay, I won't hurt you." The boy tried to assured them.

They seem to contemplating, whether or not to trust the boy or not.

In the end, they decided to show themselves.

The boy gasp at what he saw.

A boy, who seems older than him by a few years.

He's wearing a faded maroon-purple scarf, beige trousers, and a white dress shirt underneath a light brown coat. He has [H/C] hair, and [E/C] eyes.

The most noticeable feature the boy has...

Are a pair of red horns on his head, red reptile-like hands with claws, a red tail, and skin that's as white as snow.

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