15. Picture Perfect | Act 1

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3rd Person POV

[This chapter is inspired by the Picture Perfect Arc of the Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun Manga]

[Spoilers for Picture Perfect Arc of the Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun Manga]

Kazuha walk to the deck with a yawn as he's still sleepy, he then greeted the rest of the crew.

"Morning sleepy head~ you're finally awake."

Kazuha turn his head to the voice only to immediately jolt awake the moment he saw who it was.

It was [M/N].


He doesn't have a pair of red horns on his head, nor the red reptile-like hands with claws, not even a red tail, and his snow white skin.

Instead, he has smooth [S/C] skin, with his same [H/C] hair that he puts in a low ponytail and his sharp [E/C] eyes.

And he's only wearing his regular outfit without his scarf.

He's not a demon...

He's... Human.

Kazuha rubbed his eyes trying to see if he's just seeing things.

"Come on, what are you standing there for? Let's have breakfast." [M/N] said.

During breakfast, Kazuha was eyeing [M/N] carefully trying to see a bit of hesitation, only to see none.

It's like the former Devil doesn't even have his taste disorder to begin with.

"Kazuha, why are you looking at me like that?" [M/N] ask as he take a bite of his food.

"Doesn't it taste like ash to you?" He asked [M/N] to make sure.

He look at Kazuha weirdly as if he doesn't know what he's talking about.

"What are you saying? It doesn't even taste anything like ash."

Kazuha look at [M/N] shocked at the news. "Then what about your horns, tail, and your reptile-like hands with claws?"

Now [M/N] was looking at Kazuha like he's insane.

"What are you talking about? I'm always like this, I don't have anything that you just mention." [M/N] said now concern for Kazuha's well being.

"Are you sick or something?" [M/N] asked as he place his hand on Kazuha's forehead.

'His hand is not as warm as it used to be, it's like normal human temperature.' Kazuha thought as he felt the now human hand that's on his forehead.

"I'm fine, really." Kazuha replied as he took [M/N]'s hand away from his forehead.

After breakfast, Kazuha went out of his way and ask every crew member about the Devil sudden change.

Only to receive the same answer from everyone, even Captain Beidou. 'He's has always been like that.'

"Traveler, Paimon, does [M/N] has always been like that? A human, I mean." Kazuha asked the Traveler and their flying companion as he cling to his last hope that he's not going crazy.

"You notice it too, Kazuha?! Then we're not going crazy!" Traveler declared.

Kazuha sigh in relief the moment he found out he's not going crazy.

"But then, why are the rest of them said 'he's has always been like that?'" Paimon cuts in.

"I don't know.... Is this a dream..? Or is it... reality..?" Traveler muttered.

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