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A few hours later

The train's horn blares loudly, I jump slightly as it awakens me from my nap. I sit up straight, taking my head off of Blaise's shoulder while Draco chuckles quietly. "Thought you'd never wake up," Blaise said. I laugh with them, still waking up. "How long do we have left till we arrive," Daphne asks, sitting next to Blaise on the other side of me. "Two hours, I think?" I answer back groggily, I look out the window, trying to see where we are through the fog outside. The lights started to flicker, we all looked up, "What's this about then?" Draco says. The window suddenly has ice forming on it, blocking the view of the landscape, and the temperature drops. I look towards the others as the lights go out, I see my breath leaving my mouth, we all look at each other in fright. I stand up, making my way towards the door, clutching at my wand from the pocket of my uniform. "Careful, Bella, we don't know what's happening," Daphne says worried. I reach for the door handle twisting it slowly and peeking my head out, I look towards the right seeing a cloaked figure floating into the cart next to us, I let out a shriek as another comes up to me, I pull out my wand, stepping backward from fright. Time seems frozen as the cloaked figure comes closer, I slowly feel the joy being drained from my body as well as the oxygen from my lungs, a scream fills my head, deafening me, a sharp pain digging at it, making me light-headed. Before I know it, I'm crashing to the floor unable to breathe with a bright light filling the hallway, knocking the creature away.

I feel someone rush beside me, holding me up as I choke on the floor, trying to breathe in any air I can to stop me from passing out. I see a shadow step over me, I blink my eyes to get rid of the haze blocking my view. I look up at the person holding me, I see Blaise worried as ever looking down at me. "Breath Bell, that thing is gone now, you're safe" I hear him say, I stare at his chest watching it rise and fall, trying to follow to slow my breathing down. "What the bloody hell was that?" Draco asks seeming mad, I look over at the girls who are huddles together still in shock. "That was a dementor" I hear an unfamiliar voice say as someone bends down in front of me, "I am Professor Lupin, are you alright? Eat this, it will help" He says and passes me some chocolate as I nod my head, "I must go speak to the conductor about this madness" he says as he walks away. I drop my hand holding the chocolate, finally regaining my breath, I lean my head on Blaise's shoulder, feeling as though I would drop from my own body not being able to hold itself up. Blaise helps me stand up, and I sit back at the window, I wipe away the sweat on my forehead with my sleeve and lean back on the chair. Blaise walked the girls to the bathroom since they were too scared to walk alone. So here it was, Draco and me alone in the cart. I could feel he was uneasy, I could hear him moving. The weight of the seat moved in from someone sitting on it. I open my eyes and see Draco sitting next to me looking forward, avoiding eye contact. "If you're going to say something cocky, I'm really not in the mood," I say with a croaky voice "I wasn't, I I was.. Really worr.." Draco started before the girls and Blaise came back in. "Honestly, why do girls take so long in the bathroom," Blaise says chuckling, Draco shoots up and clears his throat, and moves across from me again. "Are we interrupting anything?" Pansy says annoyed. "Are you sure you're all right, Bella??" Daphne asks, sitting next to me. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good," I say, glancing at Draco.

As the train finally pulls into its destination, The fear and tension on the train is evident as the gossip about the attack spreads like wildfire. Everyone rushes to get off the train and into the safety of Hogwarts as soon as they can. Jace runs up to me as we walk off the train, gossip travels fast, and he heard what happened. I was exhausted and didn't really want to talk to anyone, which is why I didn't reply to him when he kept asking if I was ok. As we walked to the carriages waiting to take us to Hogwarts, I couldn't help my mind from flashing back to when the girls and Blaise left me and Draco alone in the cart, and what was he about to say before they walked in?

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