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An alternate universe where Y/n is in the marauders era as James' twin. because i lost the draft of chapter 2: NOT PROOF READ THIS IS RUSHED AND ALL OVER THE FUCKING PLACE. AJBZJS CHAPTER 2 SHOULD BE UP NEXT WEEK? JUST WANTED TO GIVE YOU GUYS SONETHING TO MAKE UP FOR THE LONG WAIT!

Also should I make a spinoff series based on this and actually make this Y/n a character? Idk might be interesting


It was normal for Sirius and Y/n to cause trouble. It wouldn't be Hogwarts without them making a scene once a week.


"What? I just thought it'd look good on him," The boy shrugged, pointing behind him. "Look, he's totally feeling himself."

Sirius flexed his non existent muscles as he donned nothing but the bloody golden thong, sparkling under the sunlight seeping through the Great Hall's windows. James cackled indiscriminately whilst Remus groaned, shoving his face into his book in order to not see this mess.

It was also normal for Y/n to be seen with Remus. Stuck to his side like cling foil.

    "I swear, Moony. Muggle Firearms would really improve Quidditch," Y/n said, making the brunette roll his eyes. "Are you just trying to land yourself into Azkaban?"

"Awe, do you care about me? I'm so honoured to have your concern—" The mop-head was shut up by the werewolf with a simple whack in the head. "Ow, you jerk! I'll just go with Padfoot then since you're being such a meany!"

Remus would always reply: "Go ahead," and Y/n would always stick with him despite the empty threats. It was normal to see them stuck together on a cool afternoon by the yard.

When Remus is down, Y/n would always make sure to shower him in sweets, practically making the whole Gryffindor common room smell like chocolates. He would smile, thanking the Slytherin and share the pesky chocolate frogs together.

The brunette would always laugh silently as the Slytherin would wrestle the magical treats. Looking at him with pride once he's caught the half-melted amphibian.

     "Is so," James scoffed, glaring at his twin. "Is not," Y/n rebutted, ready to hit his brother with a Quidditch broom.

It was normal to see the Potter twins argue in the middle of the halls for an upcoming Quidditch game. "I'll have you know that Regulus has incredibly deft hands." The Slytherin argued. "He'll catch the snitch before your seeker even sees it."

"You're just saying that because you fancy him," The Gryffindor teased, "Is that why you don't visit as frequently? You and Regulus are shagging in the broom clos—"

Y/n hit the James' nape with his broom. "WE ARE NOT," he hit him again. "Even if we are, at least the person I like doesn't prefer Snivellus over me!"

He ran away cackling after. Leaving James to chase after him, face reddened from either embarrassment or anger.

Lily Evans was later approached by the Slytherin, telling her how much his brother admired her. He knew she didn't reciprocate the feelings, but each year he would always ask the same question. "So. . . Is James qualified yet?"

And she always gave the same answer, "He'll be qualified when he grows up and stops being a manchild."

"Will do, I'll tell him that," Y/n does so every year.

   He and Wormtail strangely got along. They would always hang about when the other three were busy. (Prongs and Padfoot being idiots and Remus trying to stop them) They didn't talk much and instead shared silence with eachother.

They communicated through gestures, not words. Though, Peter was slightly uncomfortable with him since foxes do hunt rats that didn't really stop the two from doing whatever.

It was normal to see Y/n grounded with Pettigrew.

Regulus and Y/n walked hand in hand in the halls. Despite Sirius' quips about his younger brother not being as handsome as him or James' threats to the other Black, they remained stood their ground.

It wasn't odd to see the Potter go soft, smiling with pure glee as Regulus complimented him before yelping as he was shoved into a cramped broom closet.  "Ow, a broom stick poked my leg, avenge me, Reggy," Y/n frowned, rubbing the pained spot.

Regulus laughed, it was musical, a blessing to the latter's ears. "Take this, you inanimate object," Black jokingly hit one of the brooms, causing it to topple over between them. "It's dead, happy?"

"Oh my wizard in shining robes!" Y/n put the back of his hand against his forehead. "However shall I thank you?"

"Well, that depends. Can you get your robes dirty for me?"

"You want me to roll around in mud? That's. . . too much, Reggy."

"Merlin— (N/n), read the room."

"Sorry, I'm illiterate."

    They graduated Hogwarts. Lily and James finally got together, much to his relief. He and Regulus moved in together, away from the latter's judging parents. Sirius still had his doubts about his brother, knowing full well about his Death Eater status whilst James was elated to find out that his brother finally found someone.

But darkness was creeping upon them in the form of a noseless prick.

1979, a year after their graduation. Lily and James were set to be married. Y/n was anxiously waiting for Regulus to come home after a heated argument regarding the Death Eaters.

He never came home. All that came back was Kreacher holding a bloody necklace and news of his lover's passing.

He bore an empty smile at his brother's marriage, when his own friends theorized the cause of Regulus' unfortunate end.

And then James and Lily were taken by death. Sirius was locked up in Azkaban, Remus was angry and Peter was missing.

He reasoned helplessly with  Hogwart's headmaster. "Please, Dumbledore." he begged, kneeled, sobbed. "Don't take him away too! I've already lost them all!"

Dumbledore's resolve didn't budge. "You know they'll just hurt him! You can't do that to the poor boy!"

But he did.

So there Y/n Potter stood alone, stuck at a dead end job at the ministry. He lived a pathetic life from then on out, he had given up. There were no more absurd situations with Sirius or stubborness from Remus. Nor was there silence with Peter or bickering with James.

There certainly wasn't any laughter with Regulus.

His heart was beating yet it had died a long time ago.

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