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We went to the festival it was so
much fun, and we were holding
each other hands ,it felt so right.
There was a couple game, who
will lift his wife for longer time win
a meal at a very famous
Restaurant; to tell the truth I was
super hungry and that Restaurant
food look amazing, So I told CHEN
let’s play and he didn’t mind.
CHEN lifted me, I was holding him
so tight trying to help him with my
weight, the game was 10 minute
start and a lot of couple had given
up, I felt that CHEN was tired.
He wants to put me down, But I
don’t want to lose ,so I come to
his ears and whisper to him “CHEN
don’t give up” so he didn’t.
I can see that he was tired But he
didn’t want to lose. I felt sorry for
him but at the same time I felt that
he was super hot I felt his
strong arms holding me so tight,
Then I felt his breath, I was so turn
on again.
What the hack? “Do you think this
is good time for your hormones to
wake up” What’s wrong with his
stupid body ,stop thinking and
focus on the game stupid head, I
was telling myself like millions of
times stop But my body never
listen to me and enjoying the
feeling of CHEN arms and breathe.
I didn’t noticed that we were the
only couple still in the game, the
judged scream “congratulation to
our winners “ then CHEN put me
I was so happy that without my
will I hugged CHEN, he hugged me
back the judged said “wow what a
beautiful couple” Then it hit me
that I’m in CHEN arms again.
I stopped hugging him and act like
nothing happened. But why he
hugged me back, I guess he was
so tired to push me away I said to
Wow I can’t believe we win, I said
to him, yeah you weren’t heavy as
I excepted he said, I looked at him
and said thanks.
We went to the Restaurant. The
meal was so wroth it, it was super
delicious. We finished the meal
and de decided to go to the coffee
drinking some coffee.
We sit at table next to the window
and the Waiter come we order, I
looked around. The coffee was full
of people most of them dating.
Then I start to laugh, CHEN asked
why you are laughing? I looked at
him and said, I never been in real
date but I’m married ,how weird is
that? CHEN laughed and said you
are not the only one here.
I looked at him with my mouth
open, don’t tell me you never been
at date before? No I was busy with
my life that I didn’t have a chance
to go for date.
We are so weird I said laughing,
yeah we are CHEN said laughing
too, at this moment I felt that
CHEN is not bad as I was thinking,
He was funny, smart, good looking,
and taking good care of me.
Maybe marring him was not bad
ideal , I should thank god that was
him not a scary or ugly one.
Our Order come I order coffee late
with chocolate cake,he order dark
coffee with orange cake .
we start to eat then in the middle
of eating CHEN changed my food
with his.
Hey what are you doing? I asked
him. He looked at me and said, I
want to try your food, ok you can
order the same as mine, but why
you are taking my food? I said to
him, You can’t eat all, why wasting
it. CHNE said .
I looked at him and said no no you
don’t know me maybe I can’t
finish a meal , But when it comes
to sweetmeats, I can finish it then
CHEN start to eat my cake and
drink my coffee ,
Wait why you are eating with my
spoon!!! I yelled at him . He looked
at me and gives me his spoon.
And said just eat.
I took his spoon and start to eat, I
don’t know about him but, I felt
horny right know. It feels like I’m
eating this orange cake from his
mouth ,drinking his coffee from his
I looked at him he was eating my
chocolate cake and my spoon was
all inside his mouth, Damn it ,this
is Hot.
I kept myself under control; we
finished and went to the car, Then
CHEN throws me his keys and said
you drive; I looked at him with big
happy eyes really??? I was so
happy he opened the music and
said drive my car as you want, I
like speed driving, can you handle
it I asked him. Yeah sure lets go
he said.
I start to drive very fast and CHEN
didn’t mind, his car feels exactly
like my car I love it.
We arrived to our apartment , it
was amazing day thanks CHEN I
said to him, no thanks to you, if I
were alone I will not have fun like
this. We smiled to each other’s .
then I said I want to take shower
first he didn’t mind so I took my
shower this time I didn’t forget my
clothes .
CHEN took shower too, and now its
sleeping time, so I took a lot of
pillows and put them between me
and him, he asked what this is?
I’m sure we both don’t want
something to happen again , I said
to him , yeah sure he said .
again I didn’t sleep fast after an
hour of suffering I slept.
In the morning we received a call
from our parents. Hey “sweet
brides” we are sorry for ruin your
sweet time. But we will send to
you an invitation for party and it
important for you to come, Since
you are married . it will be good
thing to meet with our business
partners, don’t be late and wear
good clothes.
Great I guess we can’t go to
school again I said to him, yeah
but don’t worry our families talked
with the school president, and they
think that we are away for couple
of days CHEN said.
The party is tomorrow do have
something to wear or should we
go for shopping CHEN asked me.
Well, I just bought this amazing
long green dress that will be
totally prefect for the party, but
what about you? I asked him, well
I think I should buy
something ,would you mind help
me? CHEN asked .yeah sure lets
We went to mall and start picking
suites for CHEN it was my first
time ever picking a men clothes , I
was happy it was something new
to me after all.
I choose for him a black suit with
green tie, black Shoe, and then I
asked him, you don’t mind with
the color of the tie? He said no I
love it then he went change.
Then he come out, the suit looked
so amazing in him, what do you
think he asked, You look just great
I said. We finish buying his suit,
then I told him lets go to market
we need to buy stuff for the
kitchen, so we went and bought a
lot of stuff and went home.
I’m tired, I said, yeah me too he
said back. Who will cook dinner
then?? Let’s cooked together
CHEN said ,well its not bad idea I
said to him. We cooked together
not really cooking,It was couple of
sandwiches, living together wasn’t
bad at all , me and CHEN start to
be comfortable with each others ,
no hate , no war, no fight . It was
just peace time.
We slept as usual and wake up
late, then we start to get ready for
the party, I took a shower done my
hair and my makeup and wear my
amazing dress, it was long green
dress , with opened leg, also open
from behind , wear my red shoes
and put my red lipstick and wear
my red jewelry ,put my perfume , I
can’t lie but this dress is
something else, CHEN was already
ready sitting at the living room
waiting for me.
When I walk out his eyes were
wide his mouth opened, I don’t
blame him this dress was
You look amazing CHEN said
thanks, you too look great, I said,
let’s go In the car,
I have to tell you something CHEN
said, yeah sure I said to him. You
know this party will be full with
people from our parents company,
that’s mean, a lot of friends and a
lot of – Enemies.
Remember in TAEMIN party the
guys were looking after me CHEN
said, yeah I remember I said. Well
they were Enemies to my
father ,they want to take a picture
for me in the party so they will
affect our company , so we should
be careful and act like real married
couple in the party so our Enemies
don’t know anything , CHEN said ,
yeah you right I said to him.
Then CHEN tell me to give him my
hands, I looked at him with weird
look . Just give me your hands he
said again , so I did ,he put a
Diamond Ring in my finger , my
eyes went wide , you liked it?
CHEN asked me . I Love it I said to
him smiling ,then he give me his
and tell me to put it at his finger
so I did.
I was more than happy that all the
way looking at the ring, you really
love it do you, CHEN said
We went to the party all eyes were
t us , the “young couple” that’s
how they called us , we were
holding hands acting like real
married couple whispering to each
other laughing with people , but it
wasn’t acting to me maybe for
CHEN but me I just love it I was
My Mum come I was so happy I
hugged her, mother I missed you a
lot, I missed you too my daughter.
How’s your life with your husband
my Mum asked me. Good I said to
her smiling, glad to hear that, then
CHEN parents come too, you look
so beautiful my daughter, CHEN
mum said to me, “thanks mother” I
said to her, she was more than
happy for calling her“ mother” .
then CHEN father said, what about
my daughter, ok ok don’t be
jealous” father” I said to him, he
was happy to call him father, we
laughed together, it was nice to
see my Mum having a good
friends like CHEN parents.
Then CHEN father said we will be
back there’s someone I need to
introduce to you my son , yeah
sure CHEN went with his father to
meet their business partners.
my mum was introducing me to
their business partners too , I was
talking with them. then I felt CHEN
eyes all over me, he didn’t move
his eyes from me, even if I could
see him. He didn’t care, he was
still looking at me, I didn’t care
either I was looking at him. My
eyes in his eyes my heart didn’t
stop beating. “ oh no I fall for him”
I said to myself.
CHEN come to me and said
excuses me! I need to take my
wife for while he hold my hands , I
want to introduce you to my father
friends, I introduce myself to
them , they all was saying what
beautiful young couple , you two
look like angel from the sky . I felt
so happy by hearing the words
young couple, wife, husband, it
just feel like CHEN is mine and I’m
Suddenly someone said “DANY is
that you” I return to see who is
that ,it was jack!!!! Hey long time
no see, hi JACK what are you
doing here? I asked him.
Well, it is for my father business,
and you? well the same is here I
said , I was talking with him that I
forget about CHEN, CHEN come
angry and introduce himself, hi
“I’m DANY husband “ with harsh
voice he was totally angry .
What?!! When did you get married?
JACK asked me, I want to answer
then CHEN hold my hands and
said” we married a while ago “
JACK understand that CHEN was
showing him, back off she is my
wife , but JACK didn’t even move
he didn’t care he kept talking to
me ignoring CHEN . I was shocked
with JACK I didn’t know that he is
into me like this.
CHEN and JACK was looking at
each other with hate and anger
stares, I didn’t know to do.
Then JACK said I don’t believe that
you are a real couple, and why is
that!! CHEN asked him with anger,
I don’t know but it doesn’t feel
right JACK said. But CHEN ignored
him and said, we have to go DANY
” it was not nice meeting you
JACK”CHEN said to him and takes
my hands and starts to walk.
I want to say bye to JACK but I
couldn’t CHEN was holding me
We went out to hallway; I pushed
his hands and said, you don’t need
to be this rude to him, why should
I be nice to him? CHEN said, Well
he is kind of my friend I said to
him“ friend my ass” he is not your
friend ,don’t fool me DANY, CHEN
said angry,
I’m not trying to fool anyone,
what’s wrong with you? I said.
“You are what’s wrong with me,
You drive me insane”
What! I looked at him what do you
Nothing just let go CHEN said.
no tell me what do you mean
CHEN ,I don’t want to talk about it,
CHEN said without looking at me.
Why you don’t look at me when
you are speaking? I asked him,
Nothing his voice with shacking ,
what’s wrong with you , look at me
CHEN , but he didn’t look , I said
look at me JONG DAE .after that
he looked at me. His eyes were
dark , his looks like he want to eat
me, I want to ask him again but I
felt like there’s someone here,
then I saw the same guys that they
were looking for CHEN at TAEMIN
party they were Taking pictures of
us angering , CHEN saw them too ,
he didn’t know what to do.
I come closer to CHEN I put my
hands on his neck making him
come closer to me I looked deeply
in his eyes then I kissed him . He
put his hands at my waist ,pulls
me even closer to him ,and start
kissing me back ,this kiss was full
of emotion and lust, he was
kissing me like there’s no
tomorrow, I start the kiss but he
took full control ,his hands were
pushing me closer, touching my
back, it drive me crazy that my
body lose control, I start pushing
his head even closer to me ,and
without my will my fingers was
playing with his hair , it felt like
heaven his lips at mine I’m
breathing his breath, it was the
perfect kiss that I always want .
We didn’t stop we forget about
everything ,everyone ,until our
parents come and yelled at us , I
pushed CHEN away and looked
down , CHEN clean this Throat, it
was Embarrass moment, that even
if I died I will never forget it.
Our parents joked about us for
while then lift, I looked at CHEN
his mouth was full of my red
lipstick I laughed at him, he looked
with confused, I come closer and
put my hands on his lips and start
to whip the lipstick.
Thanks for your help CHEN said.
don’t worry about it, now we are
one if something wrong happened
to your company it will affect our
company too.
But the truth was..
My desire to kiss him was more
than my desire to help him, I fall
for .him I can't deny it.

Hate Him But Madly In love With HimWhere stories live. Discover now