nigari x reader (angst)

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It had been 7 days.

A whole week since you two had shared the kiss.

Since then, you had started playing more games. Game after game after game. You had enough visa days to not play for a while, but you still kept going out every night. It was better than being ignored by Niragi.

Since that night, he had been avoiding you. If you showed up in the same room as him, he would leave. Unless it was a meeting. Then he would sit as far away from you as possible.

Your whole world had just collapsed. You didn't feel the same. It was like someone had taken a piece of your heart, and massacred it.

"(Y/N), take a few days off from games. Spend some time relaxing, it'll do you some good," Chishiya suggested one day. Since the hearts game, Chishiya had toned down his attitude a bit to you. "What's the point?" You retorted. "You look like a train wreck waiting to happen. A bomb about to implode. A-" he started. "Ok, ok. I'm going to go take a nap," you said, leaving to go to your room. "Good. See you later. I'm making sure you don't go to games tonight," Chishiya smirked. You nodded, leaving him out in the hall. Usually you would get so happy that Chishiya wanted to hang out with you. Who stole your light, he wondered as he walked to the door next to yours. Niragi's room.

Niragi was most definitely in there. Chishiya could hear the sounds of a woman moaning. Loudly.

He knew you could hear them too.

So, he knocked on Niragi's door. He heard a groan, and waited.

The door opened to reveal a disheveled Niragi. His hair was messed up, there was lipstick prints on his neck. "What the fuck do you want?" Niragi spat. "Nothing much. What did you do to (Y/N)?" Chishiya asked with a smirk. Niragi stared in shock. "I didn't do anything," he said. "Listen, I stay out of your way. The only time I'm in your space is when I have to be, and I take advantage of your nature and piss you off. So if I'm coming to you personally and ask about someone, you better believe I have a damn good reason to. What did you do?" Chishiya repeated, the edge in his voice being audible to Niragi.

"And like I said-"
"I'm serious. Cut your fucking shit. What did you do?"

Niragi sighed, "I'm busy right now."
"Too busy to talk about the wellbeing of your best friend?" Chishiya asked. "She's not my top priority all the time! I'm an adult, I can do what I want," Niragi shouted. Chishiya nodded. "Meet me in the meeting room after the game siren sounds. I'll be waiting." And with that, Chishiya walked away.

"Hey, um... have you thought about college?" He asked, holding your hand as you two walked back home. "Yeah! I want to major in forensics, minor in psychology. Then keep working to get my doctorate. What about you?" You answered. "I was thinking game engineering?" He said, almost like a question. "That fits you! You're already really good at coding, you like video games. I think you'd be great at it Sugu," you chirped. "Really? Thanks (N/N). That means a lot coming from you," he said with a smile. "No problem! We're going to the same college right?" You asked. He nodded. He couldn't go anywhere without you, and you couldn't stay long without him.


"Are you ready yet? We're gonna miss our train if you don't hurry up!" You ushered him. You were both going to your grandmother's house for the summer as you had been doing for the last 2 years.

He grabbed his glasses off his desk, grabbed his backpack sliding on his shoulders, and grabbed his suitcase. "You have everything you need packed?" He asked you, nodding to your suitcase. You nodded, and grabbed his hand. You both went down the stairs quietly, knowing his father would definitely blow up at you two if you made too much noise.

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