[Chapter 1; About Me, and Friends?]

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As you should know by now (even though it was briefly mentioned), my name is Heather, Heather Tigress. My friends like to call me 'Tiger', I know, how original. Like, yawn. It could've been something cool. Anyways...

I'm Heather Tigress, I'm seventeen years old, and I'm a middle child. I have an older brother and a younger sister. I'm two years apart from them both, weird right? Continuing on, I probably won't care about a lot of things throughout this book.

I got some hobbies, like for example... I enjoy reading, swimming, painting, and playing video games. Just some basic stuff. Oh! I also play the violin. I can sing a little, but that's because my parents made me and my siblings do choir for a bit.

When I sing, it's normally when my friend is playing his guitar. Why don't I tell you about my friend! Yeah, he's more interesting than me. Okay, his name is Quinton Peterson, and to embarrass him, I like to call out to him by saying "Hello Quinton, son of Peter!", it's like Thor. Um, anyways. He's the oldest of five. Poor thing. Unlike me, he's interesting.

From what I know about him, he's a problem solver and always protesting for equal rights. Iconic, I have to stan. He also likes to sew, do storytelling, play football, and likes taking naps. This is all the more reason to stan.

Ooh, I see him! Maybe I can get him to break the 4th wall with me! Nah, the author will get mad. I don't care, but still, nah. I'm gonna catch up to Quinton, let's go.

"Q.! Stop walking fast!" I call out, oh thank goodness, he stopped.

"Hey Heather. What's up!?" he replies.

"Not much, just more 4th wall breaking. What bout you?" I tell him as I sling my arm across his shoulders. Because I'm short, he leans down a little. Why is he so tall?

"Again? You have got to chill with that, you could mess their story up! I bet you don't care. Well same here, but take a break with that. Ummm, so how am I... I'm fine, just heading to 5th period, which we have together."

Notice how he says 'again'. I shrug and we continue walking to our 5th class, math. I hate math. It makes me cry sometimes.

Once we reach our classroom, we take our seats and stare at our classmates. It's just what we do, it's not weird... Is it? I don't care.

The teacher walks in the classroom and looks around and sighs. What's that about? She then says, "So I'm guessing Hazel is ditching today?"

Oh, Hazel is Popular Kid #1. Just about everyone knows that she ditches, the teachers don't care at this point, the principal doesn't know. I'm not quite sure on why though. Maybe I should tell her... You know, for the plot and all that...

I'm snapped away from my thoughts by my teacher, Mrs.Harrington, clearing her throat. "Okay, so... Just try and solve these questions while I go print something out real quick. Uh, Quinton, watch the class while I'm gone, thanks." And with that she leaves. As she was speaking, she had written five math problems on the white board.

"Okay then..." Quinton whispers. I snicker. Quinton looks at me and we share an equal smile. "Hey, Q., can you help me real quick?" I ask. He looks up and nods at me. Quiton then walks over to my desk and helps me. What would I do without him? Probably starve and commit arson if I'm being honest.

After a while, Mrs.Harrington walks back in the classroom. "Sorry that took so long, thank you Quinton for watching the class. Anyways, let's go over last night's homework. It was the 'solving equations' worksheet, please take it out."

Everyone takes out their homework, except for Jocelyn. The plot begins. This is probably where the 'quirky' jock let's her borrow his. Ooh, it's happening. Jocelyn and The 'Quirky' Jock sit next to each other, as well as in front of me. He just slid his homework towards her! I'm clearly too invested in their story. I don't care.

Why don't we freeze frame on this moment real quick? Okay, so the 'quirky' jock is Mathias Brooks, one of the hottest guys in school. Yeah, even I think he's good looking. He's not like other guys though. He plays football with Quinton, so we vibe together sometimes, not a lot though. I'm not trying to interfere with his and Jocelyn's love story. Actually...

What if I seduced him and ruined what could be? Nah, I'm as seductive as a leaf. I'm also not a homewrecker. Who's poking me?

I turn my head, oh, it's her.

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