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                    cody bellinger
How are you?
                               I'm good thank you
                                                  and you?
I'm good thanks
So..I was wondering if you can help
me with something?
                                 Mmm depends🤔
Can you help me surprise my friend?
it's one of my teammates and he has
a major crush on you😂  
  Oh 😂 Yeah sure! What's his name?
You follow him and he commented on your post
His name is Corey Seager
       Oh Yeah! I do! Yeah I would love
                                            to meet him!
So you like him?😏
                😂 I guess you can say Yeah
                I have a liking towards him
                                             you can say
I won't say word about that🤐
Are you in town? because we have a
game this weekend and you can
come meet him after the game it will
be all on me.
            Yeah I'm in town I'll be there!
            no it's okay! I'll buy the ticket
No I'll buy it I asked you I'll buy it
You can sit next to my girlfriend
and the other wives and girlfriends
                       Ok fine just this time😂 
                     Do you know Kourntey?
Justin Turners wife? If so yes
                 Yeah we're actually friends
              I've been to games just never
   noticed it was you guys it sounded
                 familiar just thought it was
                                 someone else😂😂
Oh wow! Well now you know it's us😂😂 So I'll send you the ticket and
please don't tell Corey I said he said a major crush on you he will kill me
                         Ok that's sounds good!
             Can't make no promises😉😂
😂😂Ok I'll let you go now
See you Saturday!
                       See you Saturday! byee!


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