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Kenzie walked into work with fletch and smiled.

She knew how complicated that things were with them and how tense their relationship was since the baby suggestion but she knew that she did love him and she did want to try but she knew it wasn't going to be easy at all.

She loved him and smiled knew that she was trying her best and she knew how he hand been there to support her. 

"Are you okay" fletch asked as he took a hold of her hand as they walked through the car park as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm okay, I was just thinking over us and everything that has happened and I was thinking I know it's not long since we got together but what if we try for a baby" kenzie said as fletch looked to her and frowned

"are you sure I don't want to pressure you into anything" fletch said as kenzie smiled

"I am sure" kenzie said as guy walked over to them and rolled his eyes

"I wouldn't agree you deserve a lot better than him" guy said as she looked to him and glared

"ignore him fletch come on" kenzie said as she walked inside
Kenzie sat in the locker room as she sat starring into the space as fletch walked in and smiled

"are you still bothered over what guy said" he asked as she looked to him and sighed

"yeah I guess, I know he's just trying to get to us but it annoys me. I mean he's not my father he is my sperm donor and he has no right to tell me who I can and can't be with it. It just annoys me" kenzie said as she ran her hands through her hair and looked to him and smiled.

She knew that guy got to her and she hated it. Fletch walked over to kenzie and pulled her to her feet and smiled as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as they held a look

"I know your scared but it will be okay, he won't come between us, I won't let him come between us as I love you and we are going to make this work we are going to try and have a baby and ignore him as he is not relevant okay" fletch said as kenzie looked to him and smiled.

Kenzie hoped that he was right as she felt as if guy was going to start coming between her relationship with fletch

Kenzie lay in the on call room as she had sex with fletch.

She was on top of him as she felt herself reach her hair as he followed her and smirked as they stay there breathless for a moment as he looked to her and smiled

"are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm good" kenzie said as he placed a hand on her cheek and smiled

"I know it's messy and your worried but I promise you that no one is going to come between us" he said as she looked to him and smiled as he leant in and kissed her

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