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Kenzie stood on AAU with fletch. They were flirting and they didn't care. Fletch placed a hand on her lower back and smirked as he leant in and whispered into her ear "so last night" he said as she looked to him and smirked "I don't know what to mean, I was just relieving some tension and you happened to help" and said as fletch looked to her and smirked "so that's what we're calling t and now, relieving tension as I like it, I like the sound of you screaming my name" he teased as she looked to him and glared as she hit his arm "give over, someone might see" kenzie said as looked to her and smirked "and we wouldn't want that, I mean it's not professional at all" fletch said as kenzie looked to him and nodded "exactly, we don't want to be the topic off conversation do we" kenzie teased as fletch looked to her and smirked. He couldn't Denie just how much that he wanted her

Collette walked onto AAU and frowned to herself as she looked to kenzie and fletch and saw just how cozy they were looking. She frowned to herself. She didn't like how cosy they were looking. She frowned to herself as she walked over and looked to kenzie as fletch walked off "so what's going on here?" Collette asked as kenzie looked to let and smiled "what do you mean" "well put and fletch are looking cosy and friendly, there isn't anything going on is there" Collette asked as kenzie looked to her and smiled "of course not, do you know how awkward that would be. I mean he is your ex and he is my boss, that just wouldn't work" kenzie said as Collette looked to her and nodded. She knew something was going on


Kenzie smirked as she was pulled into the on call room and looked to see fletch. He pulled her close and kissed her passionately as she ran her hands through his hair as he pushed her onto the bed. She looked to him and smirked as he started to undress "no one can know" she said as he pulled her close "that's fine With me" he said as he kissed her passionately. They undressed as he pulled her close as he pushed into her causing her to moan as he started to move in and out of him. Kenzie wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her as she kissed him passionately


Kenzie frowned to herself as she walked onto Darwin ward. She looked to see Collette and guy. She frowned as she looked to them. She knew that he was her father but she didn't trust him especially as kenzie knew Collette was still in love with him. Kenzie was scared as she knew guy had hurt Collette in the past and the last thing that Kenzie wanted was for him to her her again. Kenzie only hoped it was in her head and nothing was going on with them

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