Too Late?

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Milly and Aidan sat in the well, Aidan's energy was slowly fading away, he's powers were slowly fading, he could no longer see in the future, he was getting scared that he wasn't going to make it before his father came to save them. Milly had almost finished the last source of food in the bag. They'd been stuck down the well for three days now and there had been no trace of anyone actually coming to save the both of them.

"Aidan, when do you think mummy and daddy will find us?" Milly asked chewing on a piece of apple.

"They'll come," Aidan answered looking up from the well, "Want me to try and climb up?"

Milly nodded her head, "If you want to, just don't hurt yourself."

Aidan nodded his head, "Okay" He started climbing up the well, "Almost there," He called looking down at her reaching for the top. As Aidan reached for the top Milly let out a huge shriek. "Milly!" Aidan screamed getting distracted by her, slipping from one of the rocks and falling on his leg, "Aahh," He cried.

Milly ran over to him, "I saw a spider," Milly cried, "I thought I was doing something good."

Aidan looked at her, "It's alright, I think I just hurt my ankle," He said letting out another cry as he touched it.

"Don't touch it Aidan, or it'll hurt you," Milly grabbed his hand pulling it away from his ankle.

"I think I hear voices," Aidan said hearing murmurs coming from the top of the well.

"Is it mummy and daddy?" Milly asked.

Aidan shrugged his shoulders and screamed out, followed by another and then another, Milly then let out a scream followed by the running footsteps of people. "Hello, anyone down there?" Sounded like a male voice.

"Dad!" Aidan reconside the voice straight away as his fathers.

"Aidan?" He father asked, "What are you doing down there?" He asked.

"I came to save Milly, I fell down the well-"

"And he hurt his fault," Milly added.

"You were telling the truth," Aidan's father was shooked.

"Yes, please dad you need to help us," Aidan begged, "I'm hurt and hungry and we both want to go home."

"I'm going to get help, are you hungry?" His father asked.

"Yes dad the both of us are hungry."

"Here," He said throwing down a hamburger from McDonalds, "I bought it today, eat it both of you, keep your energy up. How's your powers going?"

Aidan caught the burger ripping open the packet, "Milly you have half ok," He said cutting it in half, "Dad you believe me?"

"Yes i believe you," He dad smiled, "I'm sorry I'm late, it took me a while to hit me."

"Dad it's alright, please get help, I've had one of my visions and if I'm correct, if you don't hurry I might be dying ok."


Aidan shook his head, how was he going to tell his father that he was going to die, he was the only family that his father had left after his mother's death when he was 5. His father was still blaming himself for the death of his mother, which wasn't his fault at all, imagine what he would be like when Aidan passes away.

"Aidan, what are you talking about?" His father asked again getting impatient.

"Dad, i had a vision three day's ago, I was lying on the ground and you were whispering in my ear and I whispered something back to you, I can't remember what I said sorry," Aidan  explained, he knew exactly what he said to his father but didn't want to say it becasue he didn't want to upset him and bring up mum.

His father nodded his head, "I promise I'll be here with back up ok, I'm going to grab some more food for the both of you and get some more people."

Aidan nodded his head, "Thanks dad."

"I'll be back, I promise with more food and people," Then just like that his father ran off to go get help.

Everyday, for the next three days Aidan's father kept on bringing them food and slowly slowly people started to come to the well, they started talking to the both of us and still wondering how they were going to get us out of there, Milly's parents found out and started visiting everyday, dropping toys down the well for her, "How are we going to get out?" Milly asked.

Aidan shrugged my shoulders, "People know we are down here, so we are going to be ok, trust me Milly, they won't let us live down here," He answered.

Milly nodded her head, "Mummy, daddy," Milly called out seeing her mother and father's face appear from on top of the well.

"Dad," Aidan called.


"How are we going to get out?" He asked.

"It's too narrow to actaully brake from the side or too narrow for us to actually jump in with you guys."

"Why not drop a rope down and come get us, will a rope fit?" Aidan questioned.

His father nodded his head, "I'm going to find some strong rope and then I'm going to help you up."

"Yes," Aidan was so thankful and turned to Milly, "Milly, we are going to be saved," He thanked.

"Aidan, my arm is stuck," Milly cried pointing to her left hand which was stuck in a gap in the well.

Aidan looked at her, "Milly, how did this happen?"

"I went to get my dolly, my little one accidentally fell there, I...I can't get it out."

Aidan looked at her, "I didn't see that coming," He said to himself scratching his head.

What am I going to do? It kept repeating in his head looking around the well. Just when we were going to be saved, Milly get's her hand stuck in the gap. Our only chance of us gettting out and we can't because of Milly's hand and it wasn't getting any better because Aidan couldn't take any steps because he's ankle was sprained. Both of them screamed in pain wondering how they were going to do this, how they were going to actually get out of the well. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2013 ⏰

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