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I drove everyone back to the human city while the others got to know each other. Mason and Seth hit it off pretty well, but the others really didn't have much to say. Serah had to sit in between Jason and Zack to keep them from killing each other while Zoe and (A/9) silently glared at each other.

"Alright," I said to break the silence, "when we get there, the humans will want to see our latest "catch" so we'll have to make it look believable."

"I could take a few swings at ponytail to bloody him up," Jason suggested.

"Oh I'd love to see you try," Zack responded.

"Boys, boys, we get it," Serah interrupted, "you got small dicks."

Zack looked at Sera annoyed while Jason shot daggers out of his eyes, Mason and Seth just started laughing.

"Focus guys!" I yelled, "Jason, Seth, and Zoe will have to distract the other humans so I can bring in the others without anyone noticing."

"Alright, sounds easy enough," Seth said

"Then Zack, Sarah, Mason, and (A/9) will help me in the zoo, we'll meet up with 8 and fill in the rest of the prisoners."

"Got it," (A/9) said.

"That's when things get tricky," I continued, "we'll need to get everyone out of the zoo and to the garages without anyone noticing. The other humans will be a big help for that part."

"And you're sure that 8 is ok?" Zack asked. 

"As ok as she can be right now," I answered sadly.

"What does that mean?" Serah asked. I explained what Dr. Saluman had done and that was my reason for killing him. 

"Oh my god," Zoe whispered, covering her mouth. 

"He, no, he wouldn't!" Jason interjected.

"I wouldn't have killed him otherwise," I said. the others sat completely shocked while Zack gritted his teeth, the rest of the drive was a somber silence. 

"Alright we're here," I said as we approached the lake, breaking the silence.

"You squids might want to get into position," Seth added. 

The agents nodded and let the humans tie them up and gag them, I drove us into the waterfall as soon as they were finished. As we entered the city, the air felt tense and everyone seemed to be on edge. Jason guided me to the loading dock where two armed guards were waiting.

"Welcome home everyone!" one of the guards called as we exited the van, "how was todays haul?" they asked. I didn't bother to check her name, it'll make things easier to fight them if I don't know their names.

"We managed to grab four of them," Jason responded.

"Wait," the other guard interjected, "where's Hank?" 

Seth, Jason, and Zoe looked at each other nervously, but I had already thought about what I would say if I got asked this, "Dead," I answered grimly, "The inklings had set an ambush and killed him."

The two guards got a sad look on their faces and nodded, "I'll inform his family," the second guard said, then he walked away. 

"Come on," the first guard said, "let's get our newest catches into the zoo." 

We grabbed the agents and stood them up, walking them to the zoo. Zack was picked up by the guard so the poor guy got smacked around the entire walk. When we did eventually arrive at our destination, Zack was already developing bruises on the sides of his head thanks to the guard. I dismissed them and took the others into the zoo. 

"You alright?" I asked Zack as I untied him.

"No I'm not alright, mother fucker beat me ten ways to Sunday!" Zack whisper-yelled angerly.

"That ass hole!" Jason exclaimed, "how come he got to beat him when I didn't?"

"Will you guys focus?!" Serah yelled.

"Seriously, there are more important things right now!" (A/9) agreed. 

"You're right," Zack relented, "where's 8?" he asked turning to me. 

"This way," I said as I started walking. I lead Zack and the others to the back of the zoo where the newer cages were. 

"8!" Zack yelled as she came into view, "Are you ok?" he asked, his hands pressed against the glass door. 

"Zack?" 8 shot to her feet and ran to the door.

"Hold on, I'll unlock the door," I said, swiping my key card. The lock released and the door swung open, giving the two of them access to each other. Zack held 8 tight while 8 broke down, they stayed like that for a while without saying a word. I put my hand on Jason's shoulder and gestured to the other side of the room with my head. He nodded in understanding and we lead the others away so Zack and 8 could have their moment together undisturbed and without an audience.

"So now what?" Mason asked, "we have three hours until sunset, what do we do in the meantime?" 

"Jason, Seth, and Zoe already have their assignments," I told the others, "the rest of us will get the others ready to go." 

"Makes sense," Serah said.

"We're gonna go on ahead," Jason said, "good luck guys." Jason and the other humans left to fill their rolls. 

The agents and I began to discuss our part in the plan while the humans did their part. "I don't think Zack and 8 will be much help right now," Serah pointed out. the two of them hadn't moved from where they were standing, and its been about ten minutes.

"I think it might be best to just let them be," (A/9) said. 

"They've definitely been through a lot," Mason agreed.

"Well the rest of us have a lot of work to do," I said, getting everyone back on track. the others nodded and went around unlocking the cages and getting everyone ready, but (A/9) stayed next to me and grabbed my hand. "What's up?" I asked her.

"You know," she started, "you've been gone for a few days, and its been impossible to sleep."

"Tell me about it," I agreed.

"We better finish this mission quickly so we can both get a good nights sleep," she smiled and winked at me slyly. 

"Definitely," I said leaning down to kiss her. She kissed back but broke it off soon after.

"We don't want to end up like those two," (A/9) said, referring to Zack and 8. 

I chuckled and said, "Yeah you're right. Come on, I think we kept the others waiting long enough." 

1048 words. I know that took me forever to get out  and its not as long as the other chapters, but I am back and I am ready to keep going. The end of the story is near so be prepared for that, but that doesn't mean that the agents adventures are anywhere near over. Once again I thank you for your patience and I love all of you guys. Until next time, May the item drops forever be in your favor.

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