Solos part 1

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None of the songs are mine, all credit goes to the original creators.

"Alright alright," I told them, "I guess you guys want some more songs?" The crowd roared, "Then it's a good thing we prepared some more songs! I'll let you know though, these don't have anything to do with splatfest. So to start off our solos/duets, here's Zack and 8 with Rewrite the Stars!" The rest of us got off the stage while our resident love birds got ready.

As soon as we were off stage and our mics were off, (A/9) jumped into my arms. "That was so fun!" She whisper-yelled.

"Man, I thought my hearts were gonna explode!" Mason responded.

"Same, but we got through it!" Serah added.

"Oh come on, you guys were great!" Calie told us.

"Seriously, relax a little," Pearl agreed.

"It's fine to be nervous though," Marie added.

"Yeah, it just means you guys care," Marina reassured us.

"Hey, check it out," I said to the others, "Zack and 8 are starting!"

"So this is a song that really reflects our relationship," Zack started.

"Everyone told us that we would never work, and some people tried to stop us themselves," 8 added.

"But we managed to push through it," Zack continued.

"So if we can do it, then so can you," 8 told the crowd.

"So let's Rewrite the Stars!" They both finished.

The pair got into position and the music started, queuing Zack to start, "You know I want you, it's not a secret I try to hide. I know you want me. So don't keep saying your hands are tied. You claim it's not in the cards, that fate is pulling you miles away, and out of reach from me. But you're here in my heart, so who can stop me if I decide that you're my destiny? What if we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine? Nothing could keep us apart! You'd be the one I was meant to find. It's up to you, it's up to me, no one can say what we gat to be. What if we rewrite the stars? Baby the world could be ours tonight!" Most of his early choreography was just hand movements and small steps but it got the point across. I looked to the crowd and could already see some of the girls getting emotional. A lot of the guys were looking at who I assume were their girlfriends in a wierd way. Probably thinking that they'll need to step up their game after this.

Then 8 started her part, "You think it's easy? You think I don't want to run to you? But there are mountains, and there are doors that we can't walk through. I know you're wondering why, because we're able to be just you and me within these walls. But when we go outside, your gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all. No one can rewrite the stars! How can you say you'll be mine? Everything keeps us apart, and I'm not the one you were meant to find. It's not up you, it's not up to me, when everyone tells us what we can be. How can we rewrite the stars, say that the world can be ours tonight?" 8's moves were simple, only realy walking around Zack, but she did it in a way that made it look like the pinnacle of grace while still having an incredible amount of sass.

The duet part came in hard after that, with the two flying around the stage thanks to the wires and harnesses,"All I want is to fly with you! All I want is to fall with you! So just give me all of you!"

"It feels impossible!" 8 sang.

"Its not impossible," Zack responded.

"Is it impossible?" 8 asked.

"See that it's possible!" The two sang together, pulling each other in close, "How do we rewrite the stars, say you were made to be mine? Nothing can keep us apart, cause you are the one I was meant to find. It's up to you, it's up to me, no one can say what we get to be! Why don't we rewrite the stars? Changing the world could be ours!" The music died down as Zack and 8 held each other and were slowly lowered back to center stage.

"You know I want you," 8 began, "Its not a secret I try to hide. But I can't have you. We're bound to break and my hands are tied." The lights went out and audience was silent.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Someone finally called, snapping the others into a loud cheer.

Mason was the next up on stage, he greeted the audience and gave his intro, "So this one goes out to all you singles out there, I know it seems like you're the only one going through this but your not, just be patient. Cause we're all just Waiting for Love!" The music started and Mason began singing, "Where there's a will, there's a way kind of beautiful. And every night has its day so magical!" Mason kept going through the song, getting some cheers and yeahs from the audience. By the time the song was over, the single boys in the crowd had already decided that this was their new anthem.

"Alright, we get it!" Marie yelled walking onto the stage, "you're waiting on something you need to do yourself!" There were some 'oooohs' from the crowd.

"Oh please," Mason responded, "you wouldn't know romance if it bit you in the ass."

"Kinky," Marie noted, not missing a beat. This got a few laughs out of the audience and left Mason confused, all he could do was just walk off the stage.

"Anyway," Marie continued, "he is right about one thing; when it comes to love, I am a bit of a black sheep. You know I never really liked that phrasing, I always preferred Dark Horse!" The music started and Marie immediately owned it. "I knew you were, you were gonna come to me. And here you are, but you better choose carefully." Marie moved very fluidly, guess it helps when you have no bones, and charmed everyone who was watching her. I have a feeling this solo performance will go even better than her Tide goes out debut.

As soon as Marie took her bow, the crowd exploded into applause. It was fairly short lived though, as Calie walked on stage. "And that is why you'll never get a boyfriend," She teased. The crowd laughed, but Marie just waved her arm and walked off. "So yeah, that's how Marie is when it comes to dating, but I am the complete opposite. I'd rather just sit in a field and make wishes on Dandelions!" The music qued in and Calie started soft and sweet. "Maybe it's the way you say my name. Maybe it's the way you play your game. But it's so good!" The entire audience was swaying along to the rhythm and smiling, completely relaxed by Calie's voice. By the time the song was finished, everyone looked ready to fall asleep from how peaceful it was, but the night is still young.

1199 words. Hey everyone, thanks for reading and I know this chapter is a little weird (or maybe that's just me), but I really appreciate you making your way through it. So Splatfest is going well and no one is fighting outside of the arenas, always a good sign. Check out my YouTube and other stories. Until next time, may the item drops forever be in your favor!

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