chapter three: A visit to an old friend

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It's been a week since my "date" with the golden guard, and he's attempting to arrest me again. "Ugh, just stay still so I can-" he lunges at me, missing me by at least a meter, falling on his face. 
"-Arrest you!" 

His mask is loosely hanging on his face, and he's angrily running after me, because I stole his staff. 
"No can-do, GG. I might drop your staff off in a dumpster, how does that sound?" 
He lets out an angry whine and continues to run after me while I fly ahead. 

As I arrive at the dump, a strange feeling washes over me. Guilt? Sympathy? No, I'm spending too much time with him. He isn't my friend, he's my enemy. Just because I went on one date with him does not mean I get to be attached to him. 
'Since when do I care about people?' 

Suddenly, pain flushes out all my thoughts as I'm hit on the back of the head. Not hard enough to knock me out, but hard enough to give me a bruise. 
"Ow, what the fuck, man?" I yell angrily at the golden guard, who's now grabbed his staff and is about to grab my mask. I put my hands in his face and  push him away into a garbage bag. His vision is blocked long enough that I can cast an illusion of myself flying away in a different direction.

He soon follows after and I check the back of my head. Great, a lump. Checking my clock, I decide I have enough time to visit the woman who helped me through the hardest time of my life.

      ~☾︎ ✩᯾ 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕤𝕜𝕚𝕡 ᯾✩ ☽︎~

I arrive at the owl house, my staff slung on my back and my palisman, a raccoon named bug, on my shoulder. 
"[Y/n], long time no see, hoot hoot." Hooty says while I knock on the door. I smile and smooth out my clothing, preparing to get bombarded by king and eda.

It swings open to reveal a small girl in a purple and white shirt. She's holding Eda's staff and looks like she wants to hurt me. "EDA! I THINK THE GOLDEN GUARD IS HERE BUT IN A RED CAPE?" She yells over her shoulder.
A human?

   I stand there, staring down at her. Who is this round eared girl? 
Eda suddenly pushes past and gives me a big, welcoming hug. 
"[Y/n]! It's been so long, how are you? Come in, come in,  take off your mask, it's not like we're not gonna hand you in." She says while chuckling. Eda pulls me in past the small human girl. 
"It hasn't been that long, aunt Eda. But it looks like I've missed a lot, who is this human?" 
Of course, Eda isn't my actual aunt, but she might as well be. When I was younger, I was on the run from the emperor's coven and she took me in. She's like the mother I never had. 

Before Eda can answer, the girl jumps in front of us. 
"Aunt?! Eda, you never told me you had any nieces or nephews! I'm Luz, by the way." She puts out her hand for me to shake and I do so, smiling. I take off my mask and place it on the coffee table, while Eda explains to Luz who I am to her. 

A small dark-grey blur runs in and jumps on me. "[y/n]!!! I missed you so much, what are you doing here?" He says, clinging to me. I laugh and hug him back. "Hi, king! I was passing by and I had some extra time. I missed you too." 

Luz is looking at my mask with curiosity, looking like she wants to ask me how I got it. Walking over to the couch, I start the story. 

         ☾︎ ☏︎~ 𝔽𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕜 ~☏︎ ☽︎

          It's a cold and rainy night, but the 13 year old [y/n] and their small team of thieves are warm under the dull orange light their fire is emitting. 
Lightning dances in the sky overhead, and the half demon who is soon to become "The Crimson Plague" plans the heist. 
The heist to steal something from the emperor's castle. Something valuable.

A single yellow window calls to them through the storm. The storage room, where the Golden Guard kept his mask. The boy was young and naive at the time, only at the beginning of his emperor's coven path, not knowing that keeping your valuable belongings in a separate, unlocked room could be a bad idea…


Luz was watching me with wide eyes as I retold the story, needing every detail. King was curled up in my lap and Eda was listening while sorting elixirs. 


Thunder boomed and the rain-soaked half demon rode their newly carved palismen to the small window, their friends watching from below, in, and above the castle. It was a clear path to victory. 
They eased the window to the room open, and slowly and quietly hovered in on their staff. 
Marvels filled the room, all unsupervised. 
But the one that caught [y/n]'s eye…

A golden mask, sitting on the table, shining in the light. 
They passed it, going for the more valuable looking things, but froze when half the room's content had been picked up. 


The sound of tiny, healed feet walking down the huge, empty hallways. 
They turned around and headed out, but stopped before the golden mask. 
And put it on. 


Kikimora walked into the room. "Aha, I have you now, thief." She said with much confidence. 
A small crimson cloaked figure wearing the golden guard's mask was the only one in the room.
They turned around and, with a small salute, flew out of the room, into the storm.


"Wow!" Luz said excitedly. "Then what happened?" You smile and look over at Eda. 
"I was named in 'the boiling isles most wanted' and Eda wanted to know her competition. I was pretty young back then, living all alone and such, so she took me in for what was supposed to be just until the emperor's coven got off my back, but... that ended up being 4 years.  She's like the mother I never had!"
Eda chuckled and walkmed over to the couch, and we spent the day telling stories of our past.

Hi! It's soup, the author 😎
Sorry for the day-late update on the story, I was pretty busy this week :)

Also I realized that in the earlier chapters I put in a thing saying you should make a backstory but in this chapter I made it so eda is like a mother figure to [y/n] so I might have to edit that one part and put in a backstory but ANYWAYS
Gimme that constructive criticism and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night!
-soup (they/them)

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