A Step Forwards

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It was a week since their wedding day. They all sat together eating breakfast in the sitting area of the suite. Jeong-hyeok pushed his food around on the plate; he didn't like the way the hotel cooked their eggs. It would have been nice to eat out somewhere different. It was a beautiful day outside, just like it had been a week ago. The temptation to be out in the fresh air and sunshine was almost overwhelming.

Seri too didn't seem to have much appetite. He watched her eat a few mouthfuls and then push her plate aside. She got up and wandered over to the window. He heard her sigh as she watched the buzz of people on the streets outside. He could hear laughter and good-natured shouts from a group underneath their window and he came over to join her to see what was going on. A group of young tourists looked happy, teasing each other, having fun. They were making the most of the sun, wearing sunglasses, summer dresses and shorts. It was a perfect day to spend outside.

"It would be lovely to have a day out by the lake again, or visit the mountains" she said. She gave another deep sigh. "Even just to have the sun on my face would be wonderful."

Jeong-hyeok hoped she wasn't having regrets. He wished he could offer her so much more than this. Some of that worry must have shown in his face, as she took his hand.

"It's ok," she said. "I was just remembering how wonderful things were a week ago. It makes bearing this just that bit harder. But don't worry, I am bearing it."

He nodded. She was right, it was such a contrast. Last week they had been filled with optimism and excitement and now they were all uncertain and frustrated.

"It was a perfect day Seri," said Yoon-he. "I was so proud and happy to see you both together. You make such a handsome couple you know! Don't worry, this will pass, and you two will be able to get on with your lives, I'm sure of it." She stood up and came over and kissed both of them on the cheek. "I'm sure you're meant to be together."

Jeong-hyeok's mobile rang and he pulled it out of his pocket. "It's Herr Gisler," he said as he answered it.

Herr Gisler got straight to the point. He was downstairs, and was coming to see them with some new information. Jeong-hyeok hoped it wouldn't be more bad news.

Soon he was at the door and Jeong-hyeok let him in. They all sat down together on the sofas, apprehensive about the update. It wasn't good. Herr Gisler's team had intelligence that Kang's men had tracked them to the hotel. The Swiss didn't know in detail what their plans were, but it was clear that the risk was escalating.

"My priority is to make sure nothing happens here in Switzerland," said Herr Gisler.

Jeong-hyeok noted that he seemed more concerned about protecting Switzerland than protecting them. But he bit his tongue, he didn't want to antagonise the man.

"I've been in touch with Director Kim," said Herr Gisler. "Apparently your applications have not been approved yet, but we are agreed that it is best that you leave Switzerland at once."

"Leave!" said Seri. "What do you mean?"

"We do not want a security incident in our country, so you are no longer welcome to remain here. Director Kim will be calling with a proposal. In the meantime, I would like you to prepare to leave the hotel soon."

"But how can we leave before this is settled?" protested Jeong-hyeok. "Where could we go?"

"Director Kim will explain," said Herr Gisler.

They all looked confused and troubled. The hotel room felt like a prison, but Jeong-hyeok couldn't see how they could safely leave it.

Seri's mobile rang. "It's him," she said answering quickly, She put the call on speaker.

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