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Things move fasted before you could say I'm Peppa pig, Papi had discarded her undergarments and had started grinding her body against yours under the uncomfortably hot heat of the shower water.

You moan

Then you blush slightly embarrassed by how quickly you got turned on by her.

She smiled a piggy grin amused by your horny-ness.

She pushed you down onto the ground hurting your knees a tiny bit but it's fine because you were gonna fuck Peppa.
Papi Peppa*

You were now at eye level with Papi's pink pee hole 🕳️

Just the sight of it made you wet and not like wet wet. You peed on the shower.

Whilst you were trying to think of an explanation of to why her shower floor was 
yellow she shoved your head into her pee hole 🕳️

That's when you noticed.

She was dry

LIEK rly dry

Dry like desert.

You and Me: a Peppa pig x readerWhere stories live. Discover now