Chapter 6: Fight, Fight, Fight!

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Damian's P.O.V

The bothers, father and I went to a coffee shop so that we could talk about what business we have for the next few weeks. When we walked in I noticed two familiar people chatting with each other with no kids in sight. After a few minutes of everyone talking about what needs to be done to get the gala father is hosting for the new opening of a business collaboration that has been finalized when the shop door opens and there seems to be a pause before a commotion started. A male voice shouts out, "Detective this is a crime site!" And a familiar female voice shouts back, "What is this a murder weapon!? Get off my dick!" After people erupted in laughter including Drake, Grayson and Todd Ma-Dupain-Cheng looked around and seemed to have spotted us while the man from before walked towards her.

When he walked towards her I got this feeling that has gotten stronger since they have been talking and are sitting basically on each other... it is not a pleasant feeling. Everyone started moving towards their booth as I stay quiet.

Time skip to after everyone introduced themselves except Damiansame P.O.V~

I was staring at the supposed ex-boyfriend and decide to speak my mind.

3rd P.O.V

"Are you the children's father then" said a still glaring Damian at Caden and Marinette. Every one looked at him speechless when Caden blinked and said in a cool tone, "I wish I was but unfortunately they were already in the womb when I met Mare-bear." Damian was still glaring at Caden and while that was happening Chloe was mouthing, 'FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!' Marinette stared at her amused yet also not as the situation was unnecessary but she couldn't do anything as Damian didn't believe her from the start so why would that have changed.

After Marinette told the family that the twins were 100% not Caden's they finally stoped talking about it. They were still suspicious about who the father was but they would ask more about that in more of a private setting. As Chloe was about to ask why they were here the door slammed open and a group of men came in through the door, some with guns, some with knives and they all had ski masks on.

There was a collected sigh from Chloe and Marinette whether it be from relief or exhaustion or maybe a bit of both but they wouldn't tell.

As the robbers were shouting their commands no one noticed Chloe and Marinette sneak off but the table they were at. As the Bat-fam questions what happened to the girls they quickly found out. There stood the girls on top of the counter, both holding two guns, one in each hand ready to shoot, and a belt with other weapons.

There was a pause before Marinette opened her mouth and said calmly but with aggression showing, "The group of people who decided to come in the shop and disrupt the peaceful atmosphere have less than 30 seconds to leave before me and my partner start fire. And legally yes we can do this so start moving bitches."

The group of men stared at her for a few seconds before busting out into laughter before the largest man which seemed to be the leader said while pointing his gun at the two of them, "Why don't you two little girls get down from there before you hurt yourselves and we can take you away from here and show you a good time, huh."

Marinette glares at him and then smirks, "30 seconds up... light it up bestie." She and Chloe then knocked guns with each other and shot all of the men in the legs and arms. Then sirens are heard out of the shop and Marinette speaks up again, "Oh would you look at that your rides are here, it was a great meeting we shouldn't do it again." She fakes a smile and puts the guns in their holsters.

After the police got everyone's reports of what happened the chief went up to Marinette and Chloe and started thanking them for helping once again for the help. Chloe told him that they were happy to and it's what the got their license for. After the police left the Wayne's went up to the girls and Jason said, "Well that went well." Marinette smacked his arm and shook her head while checking her watch.

After they did some lighthearted chatting Marinette spoke up and said, "Well I have to go back home as I promised the kids that I would do something with them if I got to go out and they finished their homework." Chloe then perks up and asks, "Ooooo can I come?!" Marinette smiles and says, "Sure you can help me with something before we go back then!" Jason then asks, "Ooooo can I come too?!" Dick and Tim then also ask if they could come while Damian quietly says that he shall also be coming. After Mari said that everyone could come and that she has to do something before they can go to her house and they said that they can just follow her.

After Marinette arrived to where she needed to get something the Wayne's realized that she was probably going to get something for her pet or something as they were at a pet store/animal shelter.

Marinette P.O.V

As me and Chloe walked into the pet store an employee greeted us and asked if we needed anything. I said, "I'm getting an animal for my family and I was wondering if you had anything available." The employee said, "Of course let me take you to the back and we'll see if you find anything you like."

As we were walking around I noticed that two specific animals were clawing and whimpering in their cages so I asked, "Why are those two upset?" The employee said, "Well they were brought in together and they seem to be close so they want to be together. The husky is a boy and the ragdoll cat is a girl." I thought about this and said, "I'll take them both right now if possible."

After I signed all the paperwork and named them, I picked out all the stuff they would need and payed for everything. After their collars were printed I looked at them and started to tear up. Chloe looked at me in worry and looked at them too and then stared at me in sympathy and hugged me. The huskies name was Amir and the cats name was Esme which was going to be other baby's name depending on the gender.

As we put all the stuff in my car I went back in to get the two. As I walked out with both of them on leashes as the cat liked to take walks as well Jason stepped out of the Wayne's car and asked, "One, did you just get a cat and dog? And two, are you alright you look like you are going to cry?"

After telling him yes I did just get two animals and that I would be fine we went back to our cars and left the parking lot to go home.

(A/n yes I do realize that this is not how you get pets it's just easier this way. Sorry it's super late my brother got married and I had things happening. Thanks for all of the support love y'all 🖤)

(Also I'm reading Red, White and Royal Blue and it's *chef kiss*!)

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