It Was Worth The Shot

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-he gets up after another few minutes of thinking as he checks to make sure everyone is asleep and makes his way to the roof of UA. Once he got up there he opened the door feeling the cold breeze go through his hair as he walked up to the edge and admired the view-

Deku: Maybe Bakugo was right all along, maybe I should have taken a swine dive of the roof when I had my change, maybe it would feel less painful as a kid than now as a teenager?.. - he looks down before taking a few steps forward and falling down as he notices a black hole opening as he falls into it and onto a wooden floor-

Deku: What the fuck happened where am I?! - he gets up as he looks around and notices there's nothing but walls and a single door around him whit 1 chair. He soon realised the door was locked as he tried forcing it open and takes a seat into the chair waiting for something to happen as he hears the door unlock and quickly gets up as he realised who just walked in- VILLAN DABI!? - he yelled out as Dabi entered and stood my the door-

Dabi: Hey kid. Why commit s*icide whit such a flashy quirk huh? Well I dont really care actually if we're going to be real here I'm just here to offer you a new life or maybe even a new world if I must say so myself. I'm suggesting you join us someone like you is fitten for us we need someone whit such a flashy quirk and someone who's been rejected by society and the hero system like every one of us. I hope you dont try any tricks since if it wasn't for us you would have been dead and would never probibly get a second chance in life to show your true power and your potential, you would make a great leader and a great villan to hero society you might even take revenge on thoes who treated you badly? So what you say kid are you willing to join hands whit us as a secret leauge of villains spy on the 1-A and take back what's been taken from you? -he looks over to Deku as he gets a little closer holding out a hand for him whit hope he agrees-

Deku: Are you actually willing to give me a new world, leadership and acceptance in here. Are you seriously going to give me another chance after everything?.. And stop talking so much about my flashy quirk I hate having it as much as I like it, nobody knows I was born quirkless it feel shitty having to hide it and having to be the role model for everyone because I'm expected to be the number 1 hero in the future.. I hate it. I was always making friends, always being nice and never getting to be myself or show any kind of aggression when Bakugo and everyone else around me had the freedom I didn't just because their quirk wasn't so flashy and I was the one everyone had hope for and always expected me to do great and carry them on my shoulders like its my job to protect the whole world alone! -he slapped Dabi's hand away as he looked down and clutched his fists tighter- promise me one thing..if I you will I get to have freedom to act how I want?.

Dabi: -he looks over at him shocked because he never realised that the boy infront of him was this different from the one he represented himself to be as he starts to laugh a bit and throws his head back once he starts laughing uncontrollably as he looks back at Deke- THAT'S RIGHT KID! WE OFFER YOU FREEDOM AND ACCEPTANCE I KNOW YOU WOULD UNDERSTAND I KNOW YOU HATED THE HERO SOCIETY AS MUCH AS WE ALL DO IN THE LEAGUE! THIS IS GREAT. - he yelled out as he reached out to Deku again whit a huge smirk on his face* join us Izuku Midoriya we offer you freedom unlike the hero system.
-deku looked up at him for a second and he started to slowly smirk and hold onto his hand- gladly Dabi, gladly. -once he finished his sentence Dabi started uncontrollably laughing and dragged him to the others as he introduced everyone and made sure they knew about the new member of the league-

Shiggy: I'm supprised you got him to join Dabi good job, listen kid you're not the leader yet. First you have to prove to all of us you're worth the leadership and that you're capable of it as well. Your first task is to gather up as much as information as you can on the class 1-A students understood? We need any kind of information that could help us take them out. -he signed as he got up and walked over to deku-

Deku: I guess my job is already done, I already have my so called "hero notebook" it's full whit information about my classmates and every other possible hero you can name, it also has a lot of information and scenarios on how to kill them individually. So now that my work is done I have a request since I'm not giving out that much information for free, make me the leader and I'll give you the notebook. Also! I have a few classmates I want to convince to join us, I'll be the 1-A spy but I'll also sabotage them and slowly start getting a few people to join us, does that sound like a deal to you shigaraki?.. -he looks up at him in the eyes as he smirks and shrugs as he looks back down- if not I guess my notebook stays hidden whit me..
-shigaraki starts uncontrollably laughing as he clutches unto his stomach and wipe his tears of joy-


Deku: Great we have a deal. Now take me back to my room before it gets suspicious that I'm not there at a time like this neither on campus. -he looks over at kurogiri as he opens a black hole for him- thanks I'll be back soon!~ - he jumps into it as he drops down on his bed- maybe it was worth the shot..~

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