Chapter 1

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A Swelling Start

"Do you think he's gonna be alright?"

"You don't have to worry so much, he's completely fine. Just a minor faint and bloody nose."

"NATO is he gonna be alright? Please tell me he's gonna be alright!"

"Fedi, calm down. He just fainted."

"Fainted my ass! You saw the blood coming out of his mouth!"

"He landed face first into the hard floor and broke his nose, of course there would be blood. But its only a nose bleed."


"And I'll prove that he's fine."

"Mr. NATO, I don't think you should-"

Cold water swarms his face as he jolts up with a gasp. Trying to wipe off the water on his eyes, as through an obscured vision he saw two figures by his side.

"NATO! Why did you pour the water onto him??" FBI questions, a baffled look on his face as NATO tosses the bucket to the side.

"He's awake, see?" NATO bluntly said, gesturing to the European who was drenched in ice cold water.

"Okay, I get it! I just worried. I'll go get a towel so I'll be back in a minute." FBI sighs out, quickly walking out of the room as EU tries to dry most of his face with his shirt and blanket covering him.

"Here, let me help you." NATO says, grabbing a tissue box from the side to wipe some water off of EU's neck and face, causing him to grow a bit anxious from the closeness.

"I'll do it myself.." he stammers out, taking some of the tissues from NATO who backs away whilst placing the issue box next to EU.

"Mr. EU?" Another person spoke up, EU hadn't even realised they were there due to how quiet they were.

"WHO? Haven't seen you in forever." EU chuckles as WHO gave a small smile, the only times they've talked to each other was in the elevator or when he was looking for a certain someone.

"You too, I just wanted to say that you should rest in for a few more hours. Nothing too major, just a nose blood and a small headache." WHO informs, EU hesitantly nodding as he watches his afternoon plans get swept away.

"I'm not getting charged for this, am I? Cause you know I'm just 'the new guy' here." He chuckles, knowing full well that it's only half true.

"Luckily you aren't, but in the future you might have to. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be tending to another two patients who had gotten into a fight, again.." WHO said, rolling their eyes in a sassy way as they went out of the room only to be blocked by someone else coming in.

"WHO? Could you come with me for a few minutes? I have some urgent matters to discuss about." A gentle yet stern voice spoke.

EU felt like he could faint back right then and there again but he held his head.

"Oh? About what?"

"Just a few minor changes to the wedding plan, that's it. Although we can meet afterwards, seeing that you're busy right now."

Cheers! [UN x EU] Too Busy To Love Sequel (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now