Chapter 2

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Drink to a Deal

You'd wonder how EU ended up in the same room with ASEAN, just tensed silence as ASEAN stares at him with a glare. Well it was very simple, ASEAN wanted to propose a deal. How did it go? Terribly.

"So you're saying, you don't accept the deal?"

"Yep." Just a single word had ASEAN growling under his breath.

EU felt himself grow more fearful, but he keeps his ground with narrowed eyes.

"Why not? I thought you did love him?" ASEAN questions, he face held genuine confusion mixed with something else. Maybe disappointment?

EU couldn't help but laugh.

"I did. Just not anymore, as if I love that cold bastard he is now." EU places empathy on 'did', his tone giving off a sly tone. Although part of him felt the opposite.

"He isn't cold, just overworked. You'd understand." ASEAN held some disbelief in his voice. 'Not believing that I hate him now? I can work with that.'

"Well guess what? I don't, and if that's all you came here for then leave." EU could feel some anger boil inside him, so much for relaxing yoga.

When ASEAN refuses to leave, staying put with a glare. 'A challenge?' EU gave a strained smile, getting up and cracking his knuckles in the process as he walks towards ASEAN. Sure, ASEAN was much more taller, maybe even a few inches off of UN's height, a buffed body and intimidating scar under his right eye. But that doesn't leave strategy out of the window, EU managed to have more then 30 high school murders be left unknown from public for 4 years for a reason. A gifted strategist some would say.

"Get up big guy, you're leaving whether you like it or not." EU reaches a hand out to ASEAN's shoulder but quickly ducks to the side when the other had swung a punch.

Using that as an opportunity when ASEAN was halfway off the couch, he pushes ASEAN down on his back, using the taller's weight to drag him down to the floor. EU quickly restricts one of ASEAN's arms behind his back, a rush of adrenaline ran through him.

"Now, now, don't wanna get too reckless do we, Sean?" EU chuckles as the other groans threateningly, yet making no move to tear the European off of him.

"Get off me, EU."


"I said, get off me!"

With a quick movement ASEAN rolls over, causing EU to lose his grip on his arm and let go with a grunt as he hits the ground. He opens his eyes back up to only see ASEAN towering over him with a look of pure anger, his glasses not on which reveals the scar trailing from under his right eye to his cheek. The European felt very small at that point.

"So, about that deal.." EU trails off, he felt reluctant but what other options does he have? 'I really don't want to hurt ASEAN, I made an oath to myself to never hurt anyone anymore. All other exits are closed.'

"You'll accept?"

"Yes, but on one condition!" ASEAN involuntarily gave out a groan, to which EU couldn't help but smile about.

"What is it?"

"You leave FBI and NATO alone, I could already tell that they'll shit themselves when they see you." ASEAN unexpectedly looks at EU in amusement, his head flopping down to hide a sneaky chuckle.

"Alright, but I'm counting on you to make him feel better." ASEAN sat down onto the ground next to EU, who sat up with a grateful sigh.

"I still have one question though." ASEAN gave EU a side glance.

"That is?" ASEAN waits patiently.

"Why?" EU made sure to show as much genuine confusion in his face as ASEAN didn't seem phased at all.

"It's obvious, isn't it? You like him, it checks out. Plus, I'm kinda tired of seeing him moping around at work."

'Moping around? More like being rude.' EU grumbles under his breath before looking back up at ASEAN.

"Well you got what you want, now get the fuck out." EU growls out, ASEAN then got up and left as said.

EU pauses for a moment, thinking as he looks down at the ground between his legs while the door shut close with a small click. 'Its only been my second day here and I'm already wrapped up in trouble, what is wrong with you EU?' He groans as he places his face into the palm of his hands, frustration and disappointment.



EU covers his ears as FBI's yelling become muffled in background. FBI clearly dislikes the fact that he had accepted ASEAN's deal when it really wasn't the right call, but he had to anyways. FBI keeps yelling out words that he couldn't hear, until he went completely quiet. EU felt it was right to uncover his ears, so he did.

"I have one question." NATO says as FBI just stood there with an unreadable expression staring at EU.

"That is?"

"Do you like UN still?"

EU could feel anger boil inside himself, its annoying now and he hopes he could get his own point across.

"Obviously no! That icicle can fuck a woman or man for all I care."

Evidently, FBI and NATO were shocked by that answer as EU glares at nothing.

"But- I thought- you-," FBI stammers over his words as pure confusion was written all over his face.

"But you used to have this huge crush on him! I thought you would at least give it chance now." FBI finally comes up with coherent words but it only made EU roll his eyes.

"I don't like him anymore, and that's final. Is that all you had to talk to me about?" FBI looks nervously to NATO, who took the lead once more.

"We just wanted to inform you about the ceremony." NATO looks down at his watch to see the time, "maybe during a drink tonight at 5? We have to get back to work."

"Yeah, I'll meet you at the front desk then."

Exchanging smiles and waves, NATO and FBI left his dorm.

EU sighs, relieved to have some peace and quiet to himself. He felt himself dozing off on the couch, but he quickly woke himself up just before being enveloped in sleep. 'I'll do some more stretching and maybe nap until 4, seems like the perfect plan.' he felt himself smile pleasantly about the thought of taking a nap after that.

Chapter 2! What a turn of events, seems like EU hates UN now. And its pretty much the same on UN's side of the story. Would you believe it?

Anyways hope you enjoyed this one, have a swell day/evening!

Your Author,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2023 ⏰

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Cheers! [UN x EU] Too Busy To Love Sequel (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now