Chapter 1.

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(note: You already know RDJ because he is close with your parents and you have had brief chats with Chris Evans before at parties)

*Y/N is backstage at the Comic-Con convention in which Marvel will be announcing her joining the MCU*

Presenter: 'Now that we have the whole cast up here we have a surprise for yall' I heard the presenter shout from backstage.

The nerves started kicking in however they were soon overtaken by the adrenaline which was filling my veins at a rapid rate.

I was getting stares but who cares I'm a human and allowed to be nervous.

Y/N: 'does anybody have like vodka or anything?' i asked looking over at my assistants who were busy sorting out my social media to post as soon as they made the announcement.

Presenter: 'We would now like to welcome someone who is going to play the role of Natasha Romanaoffs ex-lover or girlfriend and is a world-renowned hitwoman otherwise known as  Saskia Stone aka Ghost arrow' the crowd erupted whilst I waited for them to say my name 'now welcome to the stage Y/N Ryder-Depp' i walked on to huge applause and high fived some of the people closest to the stage.

Y/N: 'Hi' i spoke with my signature smirk making all the girls, and some guys don't get me wrong, scream my name.

Presenter: 'So y/n judging by that reaction the fans are happy to see you join the MCU' i nodded and smiled, then wrapped my arm around Chris who was stood next to me with a cheesy grin. His ass looking as good as ever.

Y/N: I grabbed the mic from him 'yeah that was a bigger reaction than I expected' i spoke into the mic and ran my fingers through my hair.

RDJ: 'You better be good now after that reaction' I smiled widely and sat down at the table where everyone was in a line.

Y/N: 'oh Robert I think you have competition for the favourite MCU character now' he stood up and walked over to where I was at the end of the table and stuck his hand out, I shook it of course.

RDJ: 'Game on Depp' the crowd screamed.

I proceeded to take a sip of the water provided while they went down the line with questions for everyone, reaching another new person called Elizabeth who would be playing the Scarlett witch.

Presenter: 'So Elizabeth, this is obviously going to big a big movie, who are you most excited about working alongside' she smiled and looked along the line, her eyes lingering on me for a few moments.

Lizzie: 'yes there are some really big names in this movie and I can't wait to get to work with everyone' she said an emphasis on everyone 'but if I had to choose probably Y/N' I stood up and walked over to her budging everyone along the table.

Y/N: I picked up the mic and laughed along with the crowd who were in hysterics 'You are officially my new favourite person' Chris faked been upset whilst RDJ walked towards the exit and turned around then came back. Dramatic as ever.

I however couldn't take my eyes of the girl who I was now sat next to. Her cheeks had turned a deep shade of pink which I found extremely cute.

Chris: 'I'm going to pretend I'm not hurt at ur unkind words Depp' he shouted from the end resulting in me making a heart with my fingers and directing it at him. He in turn sent a kiss back.

Presenter: 'Right, well I guess Y/N you are next to be put in the hot seat under pressure' i took a sip of my water and bowed my head awaiting his question 'is this your first time at Comic-Con?'

Y/N: 'Urm let me think' i stated. I quickly hunted in my brain while the audience and my castmates chuckled 'no it isn't actually... I have come a couple of times with my dad for pirates of the Caribbean and Alice in wonderland as well' they all awed.

Presenter: 'Does anybody in the audience want to ask Y/N a question?' he questioned whilst I turned to Elizabeth and locked eyes with her then pivoted back when someone in the crowd introduced themself.

Audience member: 'my question is, of all the celebrities you have met including the marvel cast, who would you rate as a perfect 10' i chuckled lowly and placed my arm around the back of Lizzie's chair while sitting back on mine.

Y/N: 'oh that's a good question' i hummed. RDJ coughed and pointed to himself which I didn't even notice until he coughed again 'oh yeah RDJ of course' he sent me a kiss 'but actually urm probably I know it's a bit basic but Meryl Streep' they all nodded in agreeance.

Elizabeth: 'Meryl Streep is a literal Goddess' she spoke into my mic making my cheeks heat up at how close she got to me.

Presenter: 'I agree, moving on... Scarlett, are you excited about having Miss Y/N Ryder-Depp as your ex-lover or love interest' she rubbed the back of her neck and picked her mic up.

She's pretty I'll admit it. But nothing on Lizzie.

Scarlett: The short-haired girl cleared her throat 'yes, I mean it will be a challenge because y/n here is soooo hot that been compared to her is scary' the audience "woooed"

she looked down and reframed herself.

Y/N: 'Thank you sweetie' i flirted, simply not being able to help myself.

The audience reaction was immense. I mean like why are they so happy I flirted with a pretty girl?

Scarlett: 'see what I mean... Anyway, I think it will add some depth to my character having such an interesting background of been associated with a hitwoman' I bowed my head and turned towards the blonde next to me while the others answered their questions.

Lizzie: 'what are you looking at Miss Depp?' she asked. I just kept my gaze on the girl, refusing to break the eye contact.

Y/N: 'what... am I not allowed to look at an extraordinarily pretty girl?'



OUTSIDE PRESSURE. {Elizabeth Olsen/Scarlett Johansson/You}Where stories live. Discover now