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Kai did not cut nearly enough wood to last them the night. What Bonnie didn't know, is Kai completely intended not to cut enough wood to last them the night.

But was two bags and some cunning siphon charm going to be enough to convince her that it would be?

That remained to be seen.

That was the reasoning Kai planned on using as he lugged back two trips-worth of chopped wood. Bonnie was in and out as he came in, poking her head out from the kitchen but never saying anything. She didn't even appear when he finally, officially returned with the last batch.

What was waiting for him, though, was a mug of steaming hot cocoa on the counter. And that he would gladly take as he rushed to take off his boots and slipped off the gloves that'd grown to be more helpful than not. His hands weren't completely freezing, and he could be thankful about that.

The gloves also rekindled whatever weird thing he and Bonnie have for each other, and he was more than happy about that development.

When he grabbed the mug and brought it to his lips, he paused in hesitation. Like many old habits, he placed his pointer finger inside and closed his eyes, searching for the traces of magic inside.

In his concentration, Kai didn't hear the sound of Bonnie appearing from the kitchen and naturally approaching. Or, her tilting her head at him, trying to figure out what he was doing. Once it clicked, she cleared her throat as his eyes shot open. Bonnie stood there, holding her own mug in her hands.

"I didn't magically poison your hot cocoa, if that's what you're trying to check." He tried to stammer out a response, but quickly paused as he accepted the defeat. Yeah, she hit it right on the nail.

"Maybe... or, that's just what you want me to think." He joked as he narrowed his eyes, lingering his finger for a few more seconds, before finally pulling it out and flicking the residue away. As much as he made the action look seamless, he did check if there was anything to siphon.

It was all clear, though.

"If I wanted to poison you Kai, you wouldn't know." He took his next haphazard sip as she said this, eyes widening as he forced the warm liquid down and it trickled into the wrong pipe. He coughed with a rough pat to his chest. Meanwhile, Bonnie was chuckling at the reaction, sitting down on the couch.

"That is a very concerning thing to hear when you're about to drink something," He looked at the grin on her face and tried to fight off the urge to mirror it. Instead, he continued chastising, "Are we sure I'm the unfeeling killer here?"

She rolled her eyes, taking her own gulp as Kai finally smiled and took his seat across from her, relaxing on the couch for the first time that day,

"Other than the looming threat of death, it's good. Thank you." She gave a short nod to acknowledge the praise,

"I'm still trying trying to figure out what your plan is." Bonnie sighed out, not helping it. The idea had been on her mind as she made the hot chocolate. Why had he helped her chop wood? Why did he try to apologize? Why was he trying to so hard... for her? How could this possibly be part of whatever plan he probably had brewing for an escape?

"What plan?" Kai replied. At her question, his smile remained, turning more into a smirk. She was thinking about him. His motivations. His plans. That was sure to be a good sign, along with whatever it was that happened between them outside.

"All these things you're doing. I see right through them." She had lost her smile by now, pursing her lips. She was tired of pretending everything bad that happened between them didn't occur. She couldn't just ignore it. She couldn't forget all the parts of Kai she already knew to be evil. Yet, here he was, making her heart race in the snow.

imprisoned in you | k.p • b.bWhere stories live. Discover now