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Kai had been quiet. Too quiet.

It was starting to freak Bonnie out. She'd gone up about a half hour ago. At first, she spent her time searching through Lily's armoire, trying to find something that could pass for comfort but finding nothing but heavy dresses that clearly required a corset to look even remotely presentable.

She definitely couldn't survive in a stuffy corset. She'd practically be asking to die in here.

After a few hopeful glances at some night gowns, she finally wandered into the rooms of Damon and Stefan.

The door creaked behind her as she made sure it remained slightly ajar , barely startling her beyond how odd it contrasted the silence. Bonnie didn't like this part of the prison world spell. It was always quiet, too quiet. She remembered her time in 1994 with Damon, and besides having each other to bicker and complain with as they plotted an escape, she remembered that crushing loneliness after both Damon and Kai had gotten out.

Her eyes trailed the room, trying to distract herself from the thought. She drifted into the first room, judging by the memorabilia, belonging to the younger Salvatore. Stefan's room was impeccably clean, but still childish. Little wooden toys decorated the top of cabinets, and the stunning lack of paintings made it look even more befitting of a young boy. She hummed as she went through it, approaching an armoire and opening it carefully.

Her hands sorted through the near endless piles of folded clothes, relief flooding her as she found mostly billowy cotton undershirts and button downs. Stefan, as the younger Salvatore, had smaller clothes at this time. Stuff that would still be baggy, but seemed much more likely to fit her. She could certainly last with this, she considered, as long as she washed her real clothes every couple of days.

She pulled out a few shirts, setting them on the bed before drifting towards Damon's room. A wave of pain washed over her as she looked around the grander space. Damon was her friend, and he was absent from the prison world. A friend she hated once, one who she teased and fought with regularly, and often questioned the moral decisions of, yet it felt like a violation of his privacy to enter his teenage bedroom like this.

As she stepped towards his drawers, she tried to shake off the feeling. Back then, rooms weren't sentimental. They just held clothes, and people slept in them. Besides, a teenage Damon yearning for his mother to come home was entirely separate from the Damon she knew now. But as she opened one of the drawers, the slight waft of her friend hit her, making her throat constrict with longing.

She missed him. She missed Elena. She missed Caroline, and Jeremy. Hell, she missed everyone. She didn't know what she was doing here, keeping herself away from all of them. She wouldn't be able to do this by herself.

She was just a witch who taught herself how to do magic.

Magic that wasn't even all that impressive. Bonnie was good in a pinch, but out of everything she'd heard of her Legacy, she was an underwhelming addition.

If her goal was to kill Kai, and she hadn't even been successful yesterday when she actually tried, why was she keeping herself stuck here trying to get it right the next time?

He was stronger than her. He was the leader of the Gemini coven. If Kai wanted to? He could destroy her cloaking spell, rip the ascendant from her grips, take her blood, and kill her right there.

But he hadn't. Besides when she'd pushed him, he hadn't yet had a single outburst at her expense. Instead, Kai seemed to actually be trying to earn her favor. Breakfast, chopping the wood, their stupid rules...

imprisoned in you | k.p • b.bWhere stories live. Discover now