01||knight of favonius- diluc ragnvindr

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(a/n)i fucking hate this fucking story. please. request me smth for diluc. i need a redemption arc.

pov: you fall asleep at the dawn winery after a long meeting and diluc forces his demands into you.

edit: this is now edited!! ur welcome<3


     After an important meeting discussing the situation with a certain traveler, you were pooped. It had felt like the conversation was going on for hours! You all were discussing their intentions, where they came from, and the little floating baby by their side. When it was finally over, you rushed out of Knights of Favonius headquarters and straight to the Angel's Share, where you could sit for hours on end without interruption. Or so you thought. Eventually, your drink getting stale, you began to nod off at your barstool...

time skip~


"Excuse me?"

     Your eyes fluttered open at the feeling of hot air blowing in your face; the owner of the Angel's Share was right in front of you. "We're closing. It's not naptime."

     You gave Diluc no response, trying to fall asleep once again."...If you're not going to listen.. I have my ways of really teaching you a lesson."

"It's.. a.. it's a crime.. to harm the knifes... of favoniyaya..." You said, basically all the way back to sleep. 

"Well then. I guess I'll just kick you out the alternative way."

     Master Diluc threw you over his shoulder, and led you upstairs all the way up to the top level. He set you down on a booth seat to unlock the door, before taking you all the way. The place wasn't very comfortable(especially not for your situation), but the pyro user will make do. He cleaned off one specific table, before laying you on top of it.

     Diluc began to remove the clothing pieces on his lower half, and then proceeding to guide your hands to do the same to yourself. He was about to wake you, when he noticed the Knights of Favonius emblem printed onto your thigh highs. 'What have i gotten myself into..'

You awoke to feel cold wind against your genitals, until you realized both yours and Diluc, THE Diluc's lower halves were exposed! "Um, excuse me?! I will not participate in such foul actions, especially not in an.. open space like this." You complained, until a hand grazed over your inner thigh.

"You've seriously forgotten our previous conversation? I didn't know a Knight could be so forgetful~" He replied before giving your private area a loving stroke upwards.

"E- excuse me!" You grabbed the man's wrist, before slowly melting into the satisfying touch on your area. It had been a while since you had felt such a pleasurable experience, and you wouldn't mind having it again with the owner of the very tavern you might be fucking in.

     Diluc shifted closer to you, before planting a warm and lustful kiss on your lips. His hand proceeded to stroke your parts while masking the sound of your moans with his own mouth. "Mm.." He then slipped a finger inside of you, sucking on your tongue to keep you quiet. You forced yourself to break away, shakily pointing your finger in his face. "Such foreplay is forbidden to be acted out in a setting of this sort. I cannot let my image be ruined by this."

"I don't see an issue with that... Everyone will finally understand my point of view." Diluc chuckled as he bent down inbetween your legs. "I pray your taste doesn't disappoint me." He leaned closer, and dug in(might i say).

"M- My goodness~!" You cried out, moving your hand to his ponytail for something to tug on.

"I thought you wanted people to do the opposite of notice, (y/n). Your poor image is endangered." Diluc mocked. The vibrations of his voice went all the way through your body. You let out a fairly loud moan, your hand tugging so hard that the tie around his pony broke. Your hand desperately searched for whatever pieces of Diluc's layered, crimson hair you could grab on to. His tongue swirled around your clitoris, sucking on any erotic juices that leaked out.

"Sir... Sir!" You cried out, very obviously reaching your climax. Just as it was about to arrive, Diluc's mouth popped off of your area, leaving you unrelieved.

"Why did you do that..?" You asked.

"I never said I was done." He gave his erect hotpocket diggity-docket a long stroke, before thrusting inside of you.

"Diluc!!" You moaned, reaching a hand down to your clit, rubbing aggressively.

The man slipped his cramped fingers between yours, slowing down in attempt to make the deed you two were doing more romantic. "Please, Diluc.."

"Please what..?"

"Diluc, please go faster."

"Diluc isn't my name.."

"Daddy, please go faster!!" You said, in hopes he would just ram himself into you, like he was doing before.

     Instead of increasing speed, he came to a full stop. "...What gives?" You asked. Rather than getting a response, you felt something wet drip onto your stomach.

"Hello? Earth to Diluc..?"

"F- father..."

"Holy shit.." You had completely forgotten the unfortunate fate Master Crepus had faced. Diluc must have recovered some horrible memories from your lustful cry.

     Diluc pulled out before putting his clothes back on, and silently walking downstairs and out of the Tavern. You were left alone, and on top of that.. naked. Your shitty actions have caused you to not cum hard as hell by Master Diluc's massive, veiny, delicious, monster cock. Way to go <33333


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