"actually... I just miss you."

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so this is not actually an au but a series of one-shots hope you people enjoy it

I will admit that at the moment of writing this, I have not read the trails of Apollo, and all interactions I got was from reading fics, Tumblr, and Riordan Wikia. So in advance, I apologize if I butcher the portrayal of the characters. And I will put warnings for each one-shot at the beginning, so make sure to read them beforehand. Also, English is not my native language, so I apologize if I make mistakes.

I ramble about my life in the end it is in bold you can skip my ramble if you want

also please check out for typos and inform me

(ps.. A/n will be in bold )

Warnings: OC's for Will's family members. Mentions of anxiety.

word count :3218 (excluding A/N and stuff........just the chapter)


Nico turned around in his bed for the hundredth time that night. A thousand different scenarios and images conjuring in his mind. 'It's not real, these voices are not real,' he kept reminding himself. Looking at the clock on his nightstand, he groaned as he read the time. 2:19am. Almost 20 minutes have passed since he looked at the clock, twenty minutes of his mind feeding his fears.

"Ughh..." he groaned, throwing away his blankets as he got out of bed. The Hades cabin was still cold as ever, the summer heat not with standing. Scanning the room for a distraction, Nico settled in one of his couches and turned on his Nintendo switch. If he couldn't sleep, he might as well do something to tire himself out.

Nico had bought the switch when he first stayed at camp. It was something to help distract him during sleepless nights. He played a few rounds of Mario Kart before moving to play smash bros. He was already good at the game, but it didn't hurt to change characters and experiment with different moves. He had the CPU in the hardest mode. It wasn't like his skills need polishing, after all, he had won all of the Smash bros monthly camp tournaments in the past year. The only time he got close to losing was with Connor Stoll, but to be fair, Hermes's son was trying to cheat his way to the championship.

After hours of playing, his body began shutting down automatically. The exhaustion had caught up, and he turned the console off and crashed on the bed. His eyelids closed as darkness consumed him into a deep sleep.

Nico didn't know how long he was sleep. All he knew was that he was tired, and everything felt fuzzy. A heavy knock on his door had woken him from his slumber. He groaned and rolled in bed, covering his head with his pillow as he continued to sleep. The knocking did not cease as he hoped. Instead, it became louder and more insistent.

"Go away," he yelled at the person on the other side of the door. He hoped that whoever was the assailant would understand the message and leave him alone.

Alas, they did not get the message. "It's Will," a voice called out. It clearly did not belong to Will Solace. Instead, it was a familiar voice that Nico in his hazy mind could barely identify. All he knew is that it belonged to a boy.

"What do you want?" He wasn't in the mood to have an argument. He wanted to sleep, and to do that he needed to get people to leave him alone.

"Can you open that door?" the person asked. Now that Nico was more awake, he recognized the voice belonging to Austin – Will's younger brother.

Nico sighed, giving up to his fate. He stood up, wrapping the blanket around his shoulder and padded towards the door. As he wondered what Austin could want, he remembered the words 'It's Will.' His anxiety flared up at the possibilities of what those two words could mean. Was Will hurt or in danger?

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