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As I look around the green meadow I breathe in the aromatic fresh air where butterflies—in colors of all sorts— dance in the air and some find a flower to land on. To my surprise, a blue butterfly sits upon my finger as a smile slowly forms upon my lips.

"Hello, little one" I giggle as it softly flaps its wings as if greeting me back.

If ever there was magic powder in this world, it's definitely the iridescent glow of a butterfly wing. That instant of seeing those petal wings brings a serenity that holds me as if in some universal camera flash.  It casts a spell on these eyes so that my soul is brought into the moment with a fullness. 

You see it too, right? It's so beautiful. Beautiful like you, my prettiest flower. 


Did I just catch you smile? 

Oh god, I think my heart just fluttered. Do that again, let me see your smile again my love- oh sorry for calling you that it just slipped out of my mouth. It's just that, your sweet smile shows all the love I'll ever need and though I can't reach you out there, I hope you keep showing it, not just to me, but to the people around you too. 



 Dr. Hyun is calling ...

"Hello, Dr. Hyun?" I answer as I attentively listen to what he'll say. "Hello, Mr. Park can you come to the hospital today?" My doctor says through the phone as I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion. 

"I'm sorry but I thought I already made it clear that I'm not going to take any medications" I reply to him as I hear him sigh. "I actually have news for you. There has been a problem with the results given to you, so please come" he says as if in worry. "Alright I'm on my way"

There comes a time when the world suddenly gets quiet and we're only left to hear nothing but our hearts. That time is when we breathe for a while and just listen.

Sometimes that is what it all takes for us to stop and look around. It apprises us that we're hurrying through lives, like when we were kids and wanting for life to get quick so as we can be adults or when we're studying in school hoping that it'll get faster for us to reach our dreams. We're hastening ourselves through lives so much that sometimes we forget to actually live it.

A wake-up call

They say when one gets sick, that's when they realize it. That's why I never carried my illness as a burden because it made me understand that what I want is a good life filled with memories, not a fast life that forgets to live every moment. It reminded me how high the cosmic stakes are and how brief and frail life is. These last weeks I've been nothing but happy. Every day I take time to see the simple wonders of the world, laugh around with my friends, and confess to someone I love, to you. And I wouldn't change anything that has happened. I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

I came to the Doctor's clinic as he sits in front of me as if nervous. "What is it?" I ask him as he looks at me with a sigh. "Here" he hands me a folder and I take it with me filled with confusion. "Apparently, this is your real results" Huh? What did he say? 

"What do you mean?" I asked looking at him with furrowing eyes.

"Mr. Park, the results given to you last time weren't yours. Coincidentally, the patient that supposed to have that have the same name like yours that's why the nurse got confused when they gave it to you last time." He explains as I tilt my head, processing all the words he just said. 

"Your results aren't positive Mr. Park" What?  You read that too, right?

"We're very sorry for giving you false news, but you didn't acquire your mother's illness. You're perfectly healthy Mr. Park" He says as I opened the folder and see my results. 


It's all negative. I'm not sick! I'm not dying! 

I smiled widely and stood up from my seat to hug my doctor in happiness. "Oh God! Thank you!" I squealed, squeezing him tighter as he laughs at me. "Congratulations Mr. Park." he says as I break away and he offers me a hand to shake, which I gladly take. "Thank you Dr. Hyun" I say bowing at him as he bows back. "We're very sorry again for the false news" he tells me as I smiled. "It's okay, thanks again" I say before leaving his clinic. 

We'll you look at that, life is indeed full of surprises. 

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