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"Tami gave them the tip, but it seems as if dispatch has been onto you guys for a while." Mr Yang revealed as he read over the article, an important part to note was that there was an image of Renjun in front of Jaein's hotel room in Japan, which was hell to have to explain to the CEO, but there was no avoiding the truth now. "Should I confirm the article?"

"Not yet, let's release the song first." Jaein stopped him, knowing that if they film a quick music video tomorrow, one that didnt require a lot of editing, Renjun and Jaein could announce their love for each other to the world on their own terms, and that a company statement can wait until afterwards.

"I prefer that idea too." Mr Yang smiled. "Renjun, are you okay?" He looked over to the boy who's lips were pressed together in a smile, his leg however couldn't stop bouncing out of nervousness.

"Yes I am...well at least for now." Renjun started as Jaein reached out for his hand, caressing it comfortingly. "Sir I really do admire your kindness and flexibility, and you're making this experience quite pleasant for us. But..." He trailed off.

"Ah, you have your own company to deal with." Mr Yang leaned back, nodding with understanding. "I'm guessing you've never been in trouble before."

"Not to this extent and the only thing keeping me safe right now is the confirmation that I'm in your office." He let out a scared chuckle.

"Well Jaein is one of the only idols under our company, so were making sure we do our best to keep her safe, and since this scandal involves you, we will try our best to do the same. However we cannot ensure that you won't receive an earful from your managers." Mr Yang sighed, pulling the phone to his ear as he dialed the reception. "Give SM a call, let's organise a meeting for this afternoon regarding the Jaein and Renjun dating scandal."

"Yeah we can't exactly release the song unless they let us." Jaein slumped. "I'm technically still out in hiatus that might just get extended." She pouted as Renjun gave her a soft head pat. She was genuinely sick of it all, though she had enjoyed the hiatus for a while, she was sad that her friend's schedules got effected by that as well, she was also disappointed that she couldn't participate in their activities. She was also sick of Tami, sick of the media having her name in their mouth, pulling Renjun into the mix and the only thing keeping it together is how it hadn't effected their relationship.

Oh so she thought.

Jaein was taking the situation well, considering how this wasn't the worse media experience she's had so far. But she didn't realise that Renjun wasn't taking it as well as either of them had hoped he would. He wanted everyone to know, but now that they do, reality seemed to hit him a lot harder than he imagined. This meant that there was a chance that they'd be reduced to each others names, and never be treated the same way again. He was too scared to see what people were saying about them online and he was too scared of what will happen to them.

"Well I have to discuss this all with the pr team, you guys are welcome to stay in here." Mr Yang smiled before getting up, gathering the required documents before leaving the two in the room.

The room was silent as the two process the information of what had just happened. Their private life was exposed to the world, and there was mixed feelings that came with it. They wanted to stay in here forever, where time was uncalculated and the world outside was a mess. Jaein looked to her right, at Renjun's anxious look as he swiped his grey hair to the side, his facial expression trying it's best to stay neutral.

"Jaein." He started, breaking the silence of the deafening room. "After we put the video up, and everyone finds out. Do you think we should take a break?" He wasn't looking at her, genuinely asking the question as a suggestion, not that he himslef believes it would be the best option either. What was strange was the contrast of how everything was the day before. Bright and hopeful, the two of them were looking forward to spending every moment together.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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