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Valdorian? What in the world, was that supposed to be? Pwyll swallowed as he stared at the sharp tip of the sword which pressed deeper into his skin. There was no time to think.

If he wanted to live, he had to come up with a believable excuse. And, fast.

"V-Valdorian! Ah, yes indeed, I am a Valdorian!" Pwyll said, immediately.

Thogrous sneered and pushed the sword even further, deep enough to prick Pwyll's skin. Hot, red, blood seeped out thinly from the cut, and Pwyll grimaced.

"I asked you a question. What. Are. You. Doing here?" Thogrous pressed.

This is bad. There was no way Pwyll could tell him they were from Earth. Doing that would only add more jeopardy to their already horribly, jeopardized lives.

Think Pwyll. THINK.

"I...am an ambassador," he suddenly muttered.

The grip on the sword loosened and Pwyll caught his breath again.

"Ambassador?" Thogrous asked.

"Y-yes! I am a...Valdorian ambassador! I came here to make peace, in representation of my people!" Pwyll continued, trying his best to sound convincing.

"Peace, you say? The nation of Valdora wants to make peace with Eldenheart?"

"T-that's right! Exactly! You took the words right out of my mouth!"

"Hmm...is that so?" Thogrous pondered, stroking his beard. "Well then, have you planned on making peace with the other two nations as well?"

Pwyll winced. "O-other two?"

"Why yes, there are four nations in Magusxia! Valdora, Eldenheart, Grimrealm and Amatheia! What about the other two?"

"Oh, yeah...O-Of course I knew that! I mean, we were planning on making peace with all the nations, as a matter of fact!"

"Why the sudden change of heart? The four nations have never agreed on the idea of 'peace' since the last 200 years. Or ..." Thogorus tightened his grip on his sword, "...is this some sort of mischief you Valdorians are up to? To win the next great war?"

"N-No! No, I swear! We're sick of fighting with each other. It's time we ended things for good. No more wars. Just peace..." Pwyll added, convincingly.

Thogrous lowered his sword and placed it back in its scabbard. "Very well then. If you, as you say you are, is really an ambassador representing the nation of Valdora, prove it to me!"

"P-prove it to you?" Pwyll reinstated.

"Aye, you filthy land dweller! Prove to me, you have the strength of a Valdorian by beating me in a hand-to-hand combat!"

Fantastic, Pwyll. All that thinking and this is what it led to─ if you managed to prevent your untimely death by a sword, then just die an even brutal one by getting beaten up instead.

Pwyll looked back at Hera and Jumbo and they gave him a thumbs up, smiling and nodding. His face dropped. Why of course, they'd support this suicide mission. They weren't the ones going to battle Thogrous in hand-to-hand combat and probably, most likely, die from doing so.

Pwyll rolled his eyes and heaved. "Alright then, if it's proof you want ..." he said, raising his arms in a fighting stance, "...let's get this done and over with."

"Wise choice," Thogrous beamed and Pwyll charged headfirst.

Thogrous jumped and thrust out both feet. His boots slammed into Pwyll's chest and he hit the ground, sprawling. Pwyll turned to the dwarf just as he lashed another kick into his jaw. His body twisted and he tumbled back, came up to his feet then lost his balance, fell again. He spat blood and glared.

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