Chapter Five - Joshua

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I grabbed my phone, holding it up to my face it unlocked immediately with facial recognition, darting to the last message I'd sent to Mike, which was still unread dammit, I dialed 999 again but the handset just said 'user busy', Typical

"fuck" I cursed out aloud for all the help it would do.

I rang my mum, she lived back in a small village about 30 miles away, she moved there to be closer to me when I shifted half way across the country to this new city, it was mainly farmland and small farms around the place where she lived, it was a pretty village and had its charms I suppose, I hope she was OK.

The handset just said 'User busy'

I texted instead

'Hey mum I'm OK, I love you and I hope your safe, lock the doors I will come and find you when I can xx'

My mum was alone, my father died of cancer when I was 11, I hated the thought of her being alone, she had never re-married or met anyone else, not in that way anyway, she had recently had a hip operation too which I felt guilty for not going last weekend when I could, I bailed on here last minute because Mike had come over.

I'd promised to see her this Sunday but now with all this, what if I never see her again

Don't think like that, I told myself

I'm such a shit son, I couldn't even be bothered to see my mum

I hated myself, I hated mike, it was both our fault

I opened up Facebook and the timeline was just full of normal photos, people on nights out, selfies the usual rubbish on there, a photo of me and Mike from last Wednesday when he stayed over, we were just friends that day, I wasn't particular big on social media, I had a small circle of close friends, kept my profile private and didn't post that often

I felt Facebook to be a bit fake, even some of my friends would post about the day we spent together and it always looked more fabulous and fantastic than it actually was on the day, a staged selfie with more filters than a fish tank, a well worded 'hey look at me' post and all we did was go shopping!

I scrolled to the top for it to refresh 'unable to connect' is all I got, my data was on, but nothing was working.

I tried to ring Mike, but again 'user busy' is all I got, I started to give up on my phone, opening my laptop to log into Facebook was my next idea, but the web browser simply said the internet was off.

walking into my bedroom I gathered an old rucksack I once used for hiking, back when i decided to do the three peaks, I'm not sure why I decided now was the right time to stock up on supplies but some survival instinct kicked in, I needed to do something.

I threw the bag into the kitchen as I'd also remembered something else important darting into the bathroom.

I opened the tap on the bath and the water came out, putting the plug in and filling the bath as high as it would go, I was perhaps being stupid, but the water is pumped from somewhere right, if the internets off, the power cant be far behind can it?

Once the bath was full I resumed my search, I opened the cupboard to see what I had in there, some dry pasta and some tins of tuna, a few tins of chick peas, and other lentils and some canned veg, there was also a huge pack of rice I'd not opened yet, a loaf of bread, a jar of Nutella and some corn flakes

I stuffed them into my bag, I didn't even know if I was going to stay here or not, as I'd learnt in scouts as a kid, 'always be prepared' right, A mantra I'd certainly lot lived by in my adult life looking at the lack of supplies I had.

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