Filler Arc Part 2, Where do I get these powers?

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~~ Library of Akashic Records ~~

"Your a curator?" Asked Zeo

"Ah! Alas" Curator exclaimed, "I'm not just a Curator, I'm THEE Curator, of this very library, of Akashic Records"

"Holy shit" says both the assassin and the sword wielder

"No, no, no!" Said Curator, "no one shall curse in my presence"

"Make me freak show!!" Yelled Kenji still bounded by the thorns

"Mind you" said Curator as he zoomed past everyone, shocking them all, "I will not tolerate your behaviour within milady's house!!"

Curator now poised, using a walking stick to point at Kenji's forehead, ready to attack

"That is enough Curator" said an elegant female voice

Everyone then looked towards the owner of said voice and saw a woman, she stood atop the flight of stairs leading out of the records

Clad in fine leather, fitted of fine gold, hair as white as snow, eyes as red as deep crimson, elegant as an elf within a forest and as fierce as a dragon

"Do keep in mind that they are guests within the estate"

"Yes madam, as you wish" Curator then said as he disengaged

"Welcome to my estate" she said, "you may call me Leoné, mistress of the Crimson Dragon estate, and do please mind your manners, please follow me"

"Uh.... What?" Said the four heroes

"It's best not to dally" Zeo said as he undone the spell then he followed


~~ within the Manor's drawing room ~~

"Please have a seat" Said her mistress, "Charlotte, Izayoi, please serve us some tea"



Both then bowed And said in unison: "as you wish milady"

"Would I prepare the camomile blend madam?" Charlotte said in her deep french accent

"A black Earl grey would suffice" answered Leoné, "besides they won't be here long as I contacted their supervisor"

"As you wish madam" Izayoi responded, "besides Charlotte, the Camomile blend is only fit for civilized characters only, unlike these peasants!"

"What you call me?!" Angrily ask Kenji, "no one insults me, and gets away with it!!"

"Sit down you brute" Leoné commanded, "Izayoi please ready the chocolates if you please"

With a graceful bow both Her and Charlotte has disappeared within the estate, Kenji on the other hand is fuming, and was pulled down by Yuki

"Is it wise Milady to invite these four brigands within the estate?" Asked Curator as he gave his lady a quill pen, a bottle of ink and some parchment paper

"Maybe.... Maybe not, that's for primo to decide" she said as she starts to write something, "ah... Speak of the devil himself"

"I'm neither an angel nor a devil" says Primo as he and a fox girl with a very revealing kimono

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