Yuki Suzuka V.S Demon Lord of Lust

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A/n: sorry for a very long time to update, I had... A few things to do.... And a long ass time with a friend... You guys may probably know him, his name is writer's block

And... Well.... I am planning on creating a manga with Kurro and my brother, and for this chapter to be a joke chapter... Featuring a card game called Zenonzard, me and my bro is very addicted to it, and I'm using some of the cards and spells in it for the chapter... Also don't mind the inconsistency, we are only a month in playing it

You can download it through Google play or anywhere you download stuff

P.s: this is not a payed promotion.... I just want more friends to play with

As Zeo, Sakuya, Chase and Kenji converged, one last member of their party is missing and its Yuki who's running late, why you ask? Well you'll see

They... Stopped and now... They're at a screen like device, and... Is.... Picking cards to a children's card game

It's not Yu-Gi-Oh, nor it's Vanguard, but a game called Zenonzard

Holding a key like device and is now in a stadium like area

"We should introduce ourselves right?"

"Gladly" said lust, "I'll start it off, my name is Asmodeus, Demon Lord of lust"

Sakuya nods and gave off a cocky smile

"Sakuya Senju, the Assassin Hero" she introduced herself, "for the record, I haven't lost a game of Zenonzard before... Not once"

"Bring it on!!" Lust said seductively

Before we start, let's go for a bit of a flash back shall we?

Both combatants were flipping through the battlefield the assassin's, lust and Sakuya, had been in a frenzy killing most of the demons surrounding the area but.... They both tripped and fell down the floor

And thus.... Found this secretly placed room... With two intact Aulosgears
(basically your key to be in The Zenon, which is a competition of huge grandeur, these gears are also your contract to your bookman, these are A.I's that will fight with you in the said competition.... As anime standards go)

So the rules, each turn you must go through 5 phases, draw, mana, main, flash, and end turn. Both players start with 6 cards in there hands, 1 base with different life points, and 2 forces, there are a lot of forces, but for the sake of both the story and the sanity of the author, we will only speak of 2, the Phoenix force, and the Oroboros force

Each forces has an ability that activates at the end of your turn, for example the Oroboros force, can stand back up your minions after they rested from their attacks, and the Phoenix force will activate all your base minions. Before I bore you of my explanation, let's get into the fight, and skip to the third turn

                     3rd turn

Base 5, cards: 7
Life: 2; 7; 3

base 6, cards 6
Life: 2; 7; 3

" I set a white base minion: denizen of Machinas" Sakuya said as a card was placed on her base, " I summon forth Neutral cost 1: Shield Goblin which I put back to the base, and summon forth: white cost 2, Neutral cost 3: Miss Mercenary of Machinas!!"

A small shivering goblin arrived at the field with it's huge shield, but it scurried to the base and a female Android appeared with weapons of the future, via a super hero landing and stroke a pose

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