Lets set some rules sweetheart

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Wearing his blue coat, vansh hurriedly picked up his phone and was about to walk out of the room but saw riddhima staring at him
V: kesa lag rha hoon?
Riddhima came near him and corrected his collar
R: bhot khush lag rhe ho
V: you have no idea sweetheart, i'll tell you everything after i return, right now iam in a hurry
Saying so he went out of the room
A frown appeared on riddhima's forehead
Why was he soo excited
And dressing up and all
Where is he going?
Not able to keep her spying mind in control, she went out and started following his car.
His car entered a abandoned warehouse
What was he doing here?
Riddhima saw him walking inside and waited a few moments then came out of the car and entered the warehouse
Tiptoeing slowly careful not to make a sound, she moved forward and saw a door
Picking inside through the key hole, her blood boiled seeing the scene infront of her
Her husband sat there with his ex fiancé, making her drink water with his very own hands
How dare he
So this was the reason he was excited today
Dressing up to impress his ex fiancé
Riddhima clenched her hand into a fist trying to control her anger
She soo wanted to bang inside the room and smash that witch's face and then deal with her husband.
What does he think of himself
He keeps on taunting me indirectly about how i spy on him and that iam doing this for someone special to me  and look what he is doing here, behaving lovey dovey with his ex.
She knew he that he knows her identity and also knows that kabir was the one who sent her to him
But he never says it to her face
You messed with the wrong person Mr Vansh Rai Singhania
You shouldn't have pressed my wrong nerve
You are going to be punished really badly.
And about this witch, if she was not dead till now then she is soon going to be real soon
Smiling devilishly riddhima walked out of the building and drove her car to vr mansion.
Vansh happily entered the house, finally he got to know about his mother's murderer.
This was the only reason he had kept ragini alive till now
He never loved her
He was forced to get engaged to her by his soo called step mother and he obliged
He had loved only one girl in his life and that was his wife, his riddhima, his sweetheart
Well now that my sweet step mother and her soo called son are in my captive, i will make sure they experience hell every moment of their life
He knew that riddhima was a spy sent by kabir since day one
But never in his wildest dreams had he  thought that kabir would turn out to be his half bro but nevertheless
he loved her soo damn much
He wanted no needed her
So he got her
He married her forcefully showing that he was marrying her because he was suspicious of her but the truth was he loved her beyond the level of obsession and letting her go away from him would have never been an option
His happiness knew no bound when she started reciprocating his feeling slowly
The day when she broke up with kabir on karwachauth, he couldn't be more happy
Finally she was completely his
He entered the room but found it empty
That was strange
Where did she go
Locking the door vansh came inside called her name
Suddenly the bathroom door opened
His mouth hung open seeing his sweetheart standing infront of him in a sexy grey nighty
His eyes darkened with desire seeing her petite figure highlighted due to her tight nighty
R: hey
V: huh??
Riddhima came near him and slowly traced her finger on his face
R: how do i look
V: ravishing
R: vansh, Do u want me?
V: god damn yes
I want you soo much damn it
R: then lets play a game
Vansh looked at her confused
R: sweetheart
Vansh eyes widened hearing sweetheart from his mouth
R: we really need to set some rules in our relationship sweetheart
V: rules?
R: yup
I'll say my rules one by one
And if you agree to them, you would be rewarded
V: and whats the reward?
R: do u want me to show you a glimpse of the reward
Vansh nodded completely intoxicated by her scent
Riddhima slowing traced her hands on his broad chest taking his coat off
Vansh was about to hold her waist but riddhima moved back
R: naah,
Not soo easily
Shall we start?
V: if i don't agree to yours rules
R: then you would be punished
V: okay...
Riddhima smirked at him
Sitting on the table placed infront of their bed, she directed him to sit infront of her on the bed
Vansh obliged dutifully
R: rule no 1: you would listen to me and trust me. You wouldn't let any third person poke their nose in our business
V: i agree
Riddhima smiled and took off the upper pesky gown of her nighty
Vansh eyes darkened seeing her bare arms
Heck, he could stay in those arms for eternity
R: rule no2: you would treat me with respect and not manhandle me and no paralysis juice from now on.
Vansh looked down feeling guilty of his action
V: i agree, and iam really sorry sweetheart
Riddhima smiled and came near him
Making him stand she started opening his shirt

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