Mon cheri

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Vansh walked through the corridors of the hotel searching for his sweetheart

I know i had gone way beyond in being angry and arrogant towards her

Initially she tried to convince me but then she too got angry

Now from the past 2 days she is ignoring me

Can u believe it

Freaking TWO DAYS

right now iam roaming around the hotel like a lost puppy craving for her attention

Where was she?

Vansh stopped in his tracts when he finally spotted his sweetheart

Dressed in the golden dress

The same one she had worn on our date night

His toes curled remembering the night

He and riddhima had been inseparable that night

Clinging to eachother like second skin

Loving eachother in every possible way they knew

She was looking breath taking

But what was she doing?

Wait, why is she peeking into the managers room

Vansh chuckled

His wife and her spying habit

Sometimes i really fell that my sweetheart loves spying more than me

And the fact alone makes me soo jealous

I can tell that i was going crazy in love

Who would have believed that VANSH RAI SINGHANIA would be wrapped around his little spy wife's finger

Riddhima stopped in her tracks seeing vyom putting on the disguise of manager

Angry she barged into the room

Seeing her entering the manager's room
Vansh frowned

He came outside the room and peaked inside

R: what the hell are you doing here?
You have been fooling us all

Vyom hissed in pain and fell on the chair

Riddhima's eyes softened

R: are u okay??

Vy: leave me alone

Riddhima saw his leg bleeding

R: oh my god
You are bleeding

Riddhima hurriedly took out the first aid kid
And sat down on her knees

Cutting his pant in the knee area,

Riddhima saw a bullet wound

R: are u mad or what
It is a bullet wound
Why didn't you go to a doctor

Vy: as if anyone cares

Riddhima looked at him with sympathy and started cleaning his wound

Vansh clutched his hands into a fist

His eyes burnt with jealousy

Damn this manager

His wife is way too helping

But only he has the right to have all her concerns and sympathy

Vyom looked at her lovingly

How could he not

Jealousy seriesWhere stories live. Discover now