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09 | The Blue Star

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09 | The Blue Star

A Dreamless sleep was all Kya needed that night. Sure she wasn't in the most comfortable position at the moment, but it was better than getting no sleep at all. Her ear rang with the soft breaths of Caspian, his arm still securely wrapped around her waist protectively. Kya's head leaned against his chest, while her back scraped up against the log behind their backs. She could feel the light of the sun beginning to rise, but Kya couldn't bring herself to open her eyes, trying to urge herself back to sleep.

Though that didn't last long as she began to hear a distant murmur coming from Gale. It was then that a loud cheerful voice cut through the calm silent air. "Everybody!" Kya groaned inwardly at the sound of Lucy's exclamation. "Everybody, wake up. It's the Blue Star."

Kya could feel the movement of Caspian at her side, she knew that now she had to get up. Letting out a long yawn, as she rubbed her eyes, Kya got to her feet. She looked up to where everyone's eyes were trained on.

Bright in the sky was one sparkling star that lit up a shining blue. It was truly a mesmerising sight.

Caspian stood at Kya's side and placed a hand on the small of her back as they all stared ahead. "It's quite beautiful." says Kya, her eyes staying on the star. "Don't think I've seen anything like it before."

"Neither have I." responded Caspian, glancing over at Kya. "We should head back to the ship, as we were told, we have to follow it." He was no longer talking to just Kya, he was talking to everyone else around them.

Everyone quickly boarded the Dawn Treader, careful not to lose sight of the star, though it would be quite difficult to. Kya rested her hand against the edge of the ship, looking down at the water mermaids swimming past them, but in the opposite direction they were going.

The light breeze was flowing past them, Kya's hair flowing around crazily as it did. She let out an annoyed sigh, quickly tying her hair back and away from her face. Some strands were still coming loose, the wind making it get in her face. A weird feeling was taking over Kya, her stomach twisting and turning in weird ways, a nervous feeling taking over her.

She felt as if she were going to meet something that she really isn't looking forward to seeing. Trying to prepare herself for the worst possible outcome, Kya just continued looking ahead, gripping the edge of the ship tightly. Her knuckles are paling. Kya tried to even and calm her nervous breathing as the wind slowly started to die down.

"The wind has left us." The Dawn Treader was moving a lot slower than planned now that the cool breeze that was there before was now completely gone.

"So how do we get to Ramandu's island now then?" questioned Edmund. Kya was seated beside Caspian, Drinian and Edmund both standing beside them.

"My guess is something doesn't want us to get there." replied Drinian before walking away from the three of them.

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