Chapter Seven - Joshua

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It was daylight outside, the world was quieter than last night, but the smoke was still billowing on the horizon suggesting a night of chaos across the whole city.

I slept in my clothes last night just in case I needed to make a quick escape, I started to take the wardrobe away from the bedroom door and I listened closely, but the corridor and hallways remained silent.

From the living room I could see destroyed cars and personal effects littering the streets, my phone was still the same, not working and with only 25% battery left I checked my messages and turned it off.

Mike or my mum still hadn't read my messages, had they even been sent?

I decided to have a shower, who knows when that might stop working, but my mood was soon dampened as I turned the shower on, and nothing came out.

I felt some joy looking over at the bath full of cold water, but the prospect of using an old bottle to repeatedly fill up and wash myself in the shower grew old quicker than expected.

This was the new future I reminded myself, I was lucky I was alive, iIalso had a bath full of water.

I should have filled the sinks too.

I got dressed into some clean clothes, just a loose-fitting red t-shirt and some black joggers, I wasn't planning on going anywhere, but If I had to run these were ideal clothes.

Breakfast was easy I finished the last of my cereal off with some milk, surveying the landscape of destruction in front of my apartment it looked surreal.

Corn flakes were pretty boring, but I liked them oddly enough, it felt weird sitting down to eat breakfast, I felt like I should be doing something

Well I'm certainly not going to work today...

With a lack of things to do in the apartment this waiting game was tuning into an endurance affair, it was only lunch time by time I had started going crazy.

I never realised how much my life revolved around electricity, I couldn't watch anything, I couldn't play anything, I couldn't do anything.

I jogged on the spot for half and hour, did some press ups and sit ups but with limited space I was restricted to what else I could do to pass the time.

All my gym equipment was down the gym, so I count do any weights or anything.

I slumped into the sofa semi defeated by 1pm and decided I should make some lunch.

It was here I realised my ill thought out plan was not going to work, my cooker was electric and hey, you guessed it the powers still out.

And rice just don't cook in cold water, I left some soaking in the hope it might be soft enough by the afternoon to eat, maybe it would work.

I should come up with a meal plan, I shouldn't even be eating my rice now, the bread goes off first, I reminded myself.

So, for lunch I made a pepper and cucumber sandwich, it's what I had, and even though it sounded bizarre it was ok.

I can't go on like this I needed to get out, I slid the fridge back across the room, the milk now getting questionably warm, I should have drunk that this morning instead of water... I really need to get better at this.

I peered through the spy glass but I couldn't see any movement just the door to apartment 10b across the hall, it was bizarre I'd lived here for 2 years and I didn't know any of my neighbours, I couldn't even point them out in a police line-up.

Fuck it

I unlocked the door and peered outside, the coast was clear, armed with a bread knife I walked across the hall and tapped softly on number 10b - please someone be home, I cant do this on my own


The only other apartment on this side of the elevators on my floor was 10c and equally there was no answer on the door, I tiptoed back to 10b, I don't know why I chose this one, but I slid the knife down the side of the door bashing the handle with the palm of my hand as the door clicked open

I didn't expect it to work but smiled to myself as the door swung open.

The apartment was a mirror image of my own, the windows looking out across the other side of the city, I opened the fridge and there was nothing, literally nothing, I quickly opened the cupboards and they were equally empty.

Did they just rent this place out?

The more I investigated the emptier the apartment looked, there was a wardrobe in the bedroom but no clothes, just some towels in the bathroom and that was it. This was clearly some kind of Airbnb let, no wonder I always saw different people coming and going, I wasn't going to find any supplies in here that's for sure.

I took my trusty bread knife over to 10c I hoped I would have better luck over there, as I approached the door I noticed the fire escape glass had been broken, the door was unlocked, I opened it gingerly looking down the fire escape stair well but it was empty thankfully, I closed the door, but the fact it was now unlocked made me feel uneasy.

10c's door was open, I pressed the knife into the side but it just pushed open, the apartment was again a similar layout to my own, a single bedroom off to the side and a main living area, there were dirty plates left on the dining room table, and dirty pots in the sink, the whole apartment was a bit messy with the chairs left at awkward angles and clothes littered the floor, some cooking utensils lay on the kitchen floor too along with a single high heel near the entrance door which I thought was odd.

Maybe they left In a hurry, I opened the fridge and it wasn't full, but it had some decent food in there, enough to survive.

I smiled at my little jackpot I'd found, whoever was here clearly didn't need it anymore.

I opened the cupboards with a renewed vigor, a can of beans rolled out hitting the floor with a bang, but the cupboard despite its messy appearance was stacked full of tins.

Jackpot I thought eyeing up all those tins.

Just then I heard a snarl and a ragged looking female fur appeared at the bedroom doorway, her white fur exposing parts of her intestines as she we completely naked but covered and dripping in a black and red gooey mess.

She snarled as she spotted me her eyes milky and distant.

She ran towards me and I leaped over the kitchen island narrowly avoiding her clutches, she was fast

I moved left and she moved left, we danced about the island me looking for an escape route, her looking for her next meal, her sharp teeth snapping away

She lunged over island and all I could do was retreat to the dining room area putting the table between us, she fell over the chairs, almost oblivious they were even in her way.

We continued our dance around the dining room table now, I swung out with the bread knife, but it didn't make purchase

She lunged forward again the table tipping over with the zombie flying towards me I stumbled backwards tripping over a house plant, the pot broke and soil spewed out across the wooden floor, I was on my back my legs kicking the floor furiously trying to get to my feet but the zombie was on me.

I'd lost my knife in the fall, it lay just out of reach

"Help" I screamed for all the use it did, for all I knew it might attract more zombies, I pressed my hands on her neck just to keep her snapping muzzle away from me, her fur was sliding away off her bones as I tried to keep her away, and the smell was disgusting making me heave.

She was stronger than me, and her muzzle now inches away from my face, I couldn't hold her any longer "help" I screamed

I was going to die

it's going to hurt.

Furzombie - a gay furry zombie apocalypseWhere stories live. Discover now