Practicing hard.

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(Slight sensual scenes will occur.)

Enjoy ^-^


"Pu! Tang! Ha, ha, duung..." Those were some of the sounds their choreographer said as they went through the choreo for their comeback. 

"Alright, now, for this next part, because the part in Reveal where Hyunjae and Juyeon hold hands was a massive success, I've decided to do something similar for this comeback."

The two mentioned shared looks, before listening in on what their choreographer was saying. 

Although one could focus, the other was internally panicking, now knowing that they'd have to share a "moment", which they'll probably be practicing a lot. 

"Hello? Juyeon are you listening?" Hyunjae poked said boy's arm. "O-oh, yes, well... No..."

Everyone chuckled at his confused expression. However their choreographer dove right into it, getting everyone in formation, and explaining to the two boys, what he wanted them to do.

"Alright, Hyunjae, if you put your hand there... Yes, just like that, and Juyeon, if you could put your hand up like this? Exactly, perfect, and now both of you move like- this..." He showed them the move, in which they had to sync up on.

Juyeon's cheeks were adorned in a rose-y color, for some of the practice. His mind running free, as he felt Hyunjae's hands on his body. They cuddled, hugged, held hands and all that a lot, but this felt different. The younger boys feelings were a mess, and he wondered if Hyunjae, at all, reciprocated those feelings.

The clock passed 11pm, as everyone slowly gathered their things and left. 

Juyeon flung himself onto his bed, the moment they arrived home.

Changmin walked into Juyeons room, the latter on his phone, a thin layer of sweat, still attached to his forehead.

"Hey Juyeon?" The younger asked, trying not to scare him. 


"What's up? Why haven't you showered?"

"Oh, both bathrooms are occupied... Have no idea who is occupying them though." Juyeon shrugged as he got up, pushing his hair back. 

"Oh well, don't wait too long, no offence, but you reek." Juyeon lightly punched Changmin's arm. 

"Alright, I'll go shower now, see you." Juyeon slowly got up, as Changmin left the room, chuckling to himself.

Laughter and voices were heard from the living room and kitchen, as Juyeon patiently waited outside one of the bathrooms, leaning against the wall. His patience was running low, but he was too tired to yell anything.

His head shot up as the door opened, revealing Hyunjae, in only a towel hanging dangerously low on his hips. 

"Oh! Hey Ju, you need to shower?" Hyunjae asked, giving him a small smirk.

"Uhm... Well, actually I was- I was going to- uh, I... I was on my way to the company! Yeah, to practice our new choreo..." Juyeon tried to keep his eyes away from his member's toned body.

"At this hour?" The older looked curiously at him, puzzled. "Y-yes... I'll go now, see you!" Juyeon almost sprinted away, covering himself in warm clothes, before making his way to the company. His heart was racing, as he'd just seen the man of his dreams, half naked, right infront of him.

As Juyeon made his way into the company, feelings jammed up into a big mess, that he couldn't deciper what it was. 

Hyunjae had just finished changing into sweats, a t-shirt with their logo on it, and a black hoodie. 

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