Chapter ~ 7

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(Cole's POV)

Tessa is sick, and it's not that I dislike her, it's just that she is much worse at pranks than I am.

"Tessa, come back and revive me!" I yell at Tessa for leaving me under a tree on my X-Box to die.

"Remember those three golden words Ms. Brown taught us in second grade" Tessa says as she circles me in a car. I nod in agreement "use them"

"I am dying" I look at her and pout a little, doing my best puppy dog eyes. The woman ignored me. HOW RUDE.

Jumping on her, I snatched the gaming console and revived myself using her character. Tessa never moved, just lying on the ground. As her hair falls on her face, I know she is just playing a prank on me by pretending to be faint. I simply ignore her and carry on with my game.

Five minutes later, Tessa still didn't move, and now I'm a bit concerned.

"Tessa, I see your character is dying." There was no reply, not even a single movement.

"TESSA!! Look a bug" I lie just to see her reaction. Still no reply

"tesssssssssssa please don't do this "I whine like a baby, maybe she will get something from this. Then nothing

Now I'm really scared, did something really happen to her. Tears rim my eyes. I leave the game and go over to her.

"Tessa please get up" I plead to her shaking her shoulder.

"Tessa..." I got up and started walking. I have to be strong nothing can happen to Tessa. My partner in crime can't die.

While picking up a landline to call my mother, I heard muffled laughter. My eyes flicker over to Tessa, who has one hand covering her mouth from laughing.

I threw the phone away and it crashed on the floor. Tessa stiffed for a minute but started laughing again.

In my deadliest voice, I tell Tessa, "I swear to god I will kill you today.".

Seeing Tessa, she leapt from her place and counted one, two, three. Once again, the merry-go-round began.

With ups and downs, circling in the kitchen, and jumping over the couches, I am not leaving Tessa breathing today. This girl caused me to have a heart attack.

As I catch her running in the yard, I call after her from behind, "Tessa, come here.". To mention, there is a swimming pool, which is the favorite spot for Tessa.

"Cole, you're such a girl, come here and catch me!" she yells from across the yard.

Following her, I find the pool on her left. While she is giggling, she turns her eyes to the pool before turning her head back to me. I saw her smile and knew what she was going to do very soon, as I was only about a meter from her, she had jumped into the pool. There is no chance of me catching her there, she knows I can't swim, so I won't make it.

Well, I made a promise to God that I would not leave her alive, so I jumped in the pool after her. 


{Authors note }

My dear dum dums,

                                   Greetings! To all the people who have decided to read Toxic Love at your leisure, I hope you will enjoy it! That said you might find the story a little unrelated, but since it's my first writing project, I did my best to make something you would find enjoyable.

If you liked the story so far please show your support by voting/commenting/fanning and let me know if I should go ahead with it .

With love ,


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