[10] - Hidden Thoughts

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Elena Jasmine's POV

Park Jihoon. The name that will always be the source of my happiness.

I thought that I will lose him forever. You know, after what happened before this between me and Jihoon. I even be the reasons of him hurting himself before. Would he be happy with me after we get married? Or, would I be the reasons of him getting hurt again?

"Baby!! Wait for me!"

His voice... sounds so beautiful... Would I be able to hear it again after this?

"Hey love, are you okay? You doesn't seem happy like you are just now., what happened?" and he suddenly back-hugging me while saying that.

"Ah baby? I'm okay. Why? Is there something wrong?"

"Eh? Why are you asking me back? I'm the one who's supposed to ask you that. You know you can always talk to me, about anything right? I will always be here for you."

What did I do to even deserve an angel like this? Jihoon, I love you so much...

"Baby? Hey, say something. I'm getting worried right now. Are you sick, love? You want to meet the doctor?"

"No, baby. I'm okay.. I just, I don't know. I'm afraid that I can't make you happy after we get married soon. You even hurt yourself because of me... Will I even be able to make you live your life as the happiest person ever alive like what you did to me... You won't regret choosing me as your future wife, right?"

As I was gently holding his hand, he slowly come nearer to me and hug me...

"Hey love... I told you right, that it wasn't because of you. I did it, because I can't take all this sadness alone anymore. You know how important my friendship between Junkyu and I, for me right? But I also can't lose you, my sunshine. You're important to me too. It somehow hurts me so much when the incident between me and Junkyu happened years ago. But the sadness has been replaced by happiness that comes from you, and the others which the person that has stayed with me through my ups and downs for so many years ago. But still, the mixed feelings was still there. I'm not trying to say that I'm not happy with you, but it would be perfect if I can just be happy without fighting with anyone, right...?"

He never let me go from his hug yet while saying all this to me. I know, he has been keeping this in his deepest heart for so long , just to make everything okay. He deserves to be happy too...

"I'm sorry baby..." he paused, and suddenly I heard some sobbing sounds.

"Baby, it's okay. You have me right here, okay? Just let me hear everything that you've been keeping inside your heart for so long.. Okay, love? Just don't let me go from the hug, let me be your comfort today, my love."

"Thank you baby. I really don't want to lose you again. I love you so much and I hope you will always know that okay? I know Junkyu has already say sorry towards his action before this but i'm still scared with whatever that will comes next. How if we'll fight again? How if Junkyu will get mad over me again? What if Jeongwoo thought that I'm not the best brother he ever had? How if Hyunsuk get tired over my attitude? What if..."

He really be overthinking about everything for so long without even telling anyone about this?? And he still manages to look happy before this... He's so precious...

"Baby..." and I letting go the hug just to see his face clearer which obviously are still crying right now. He looks so fragile, it's like another side of him that has never been seen by anyone else has been opened up.

"Yes, love? My crying face looks so ugly right??" then he laughed. Did he know that he looks so cute and so soft that I badly wanted to fight the whole world just to protect him right now??

"No, baby. You're the most perfect, handsome, sweet, and lovely prince and angel I've ever had and will always be the only one."

"Thank you love, I love you so much."

"Anyways, I want you to promise me one thing. Can you?"

"Okay baby, what is it?"

"Don't hide anything from me again, and anything means everything. I want you to be crystal clear with me, tell me everything. It doesn't matter either a good things or bad things, okay? You should, ahh no. You need to tell me everything, and I promised you the same thing too. Okay, my sunshine??"

He froze for a while, but then he nodded and smiled to me with his bright smile that will always makes me fell in love everyday.

"Baby, I wanna go buy an ice cream. You want some?"

"Um, can I get a chocolate one?"

"Chocolate or mint-chocolate?" - he asked while smirking. I know why does he asked those question, because that's his favorite flavor of all time. I love how he always enjoys eating mint-chocolate ice cream.

"That's okay, baby. You can get a mint-chocolate for you. I'd go with the chocolate one. Can I?"

And again, he smiled again. I'd never get tired over his smiles.

*Ring ring*
[Hyunsuk calling]

Soon as I lost him on my sight, Hyunsuk suddenly called me.

[On the phone call]

Hyunsuk : Hi, Elena. Is he okay now?

Elena : He's okay, and look more happier now.

Hyunsuk : Ahh really? That's great to know! I'm glad that he's okay with you again. But,

Elena : Huh? Why? But what?

Hyunsuk : Would he be okay with us too?

Elena : Ah why wouldn't he?

Hyunsuk : I don't know... Anyways, thank you!

Elena : Hyunsuk? Are you okay?

Hyunsuk : Yeah, I'm fine. Just let him know that-

Elena : Ah wait Hyunsuk, Jihoon is almost here. I gotta go, talk to you another time. Bye.

Hyunsuk : Oh? Okay... Bye.

[call ended]

What was he trying to say? Did I ended the call too fast?

"Baby, here's your ice cream. I'm glad that there's nobody in queue when I arrived there so I can buy it faster. I hope you enjoy this!"

"Aww, of course love. I'll enjoy this as much as you enjoy your favorite ice cream of all time."

"Thank you, sweetheart. Let's go home, okay?"

"Okay, my sunshine. Thank you for today, I love you so much."

"I love you so much more, my boo."

As the time passes,, we're going back home with him wrapping his arms around me while us enjoying our ice creams. Today was really challenging, from almost fighting with him again to finally getting my baby here again.

Park Jihoon, I hope you'll always be with me, even if it's not forever.

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