Introduction (even though no one cares about introductions)

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My goal, here, is not to disrespect anyone involved ; on the contrary, i want to point out the behavior of some fans who are, in my opinion, disrespectful. I don't want to step in anyone's private life, and i don't wanna harm anyone ; i would just like to share my point of view, hoping other people also think about this complex situation with a benevolent eye.

Indeed, how ethical is it to make a « ship » out of 2 real life people ? I personally think it is quite disrespectful, even though there is no denying that closeting in the music industry is unfortunately real...

I obviously don't know a thing, and i don't want to disrespect anyone by making assumptions. I'm just trying to express my thoughts (even though noone will read this), because i think this fandom is sometimes really toxic and it might be nice to have other points of view (but i'm not trying to be condescending nor anything, i'm sorry if it looks like it^^'). I truly apologize if i hurt anyone's feelings.

If you don't feel like reading everything, here's a short summary : my whole point is that 1) none of us know the truth and therefore it is necessary to be cautious about what we say, 2) closeting in the music industry exists and queercoding too, but it doesn't give people the right to be intrusive/disrespectful, 3) let's say Larry is real ; it doesn't give anyone the right to say anything that could be harmful about them/their families ; 4) celebrities and people online are still human beings (sounds obvious, but sometimes i feel like it is easy to forget that). And the most important in my opinion : No one has the right to say anything about a child.

In the next parts, i will mostly use general terms to talk about closeting etc. I don't want to use "larry" as an example, since it is just a theory, and i don't really like to talk about real life people like i knew something about them while i honestly don't^^'

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