Dehumanisation of public figures ?

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This is not only about the 1D fandom, but i sometimes feel like people want to know everything about celebrities to feel like they are close to them, like they share something with them. But i guess there is a fine line between trying to be closer to someone we admire, and neglecting the rights of famous people ; privacy is a right for every human being. So "dehumanisation" is a strong word, but tbh, sometimes i feel like it is quite adapted. We idolize famous people so much that we forget they are human beings with flaws, just like everyone else (that's why i personally think cancel culture, in most of the cases, is awful).

Something more : here is a fictional situation that could explain my point (i don't want to talk explicitely about real life people). Let's say a very famous actress were to come out as a member of the queer comunity someday. How would people react ? I guess it might be huge, if this celebrity was already surrounded by many rumors, if she has been under the spotlight for several years, if she is someone everyone has hard of, and if she has been with "beards"  who are also famous (btw, believing someone is closeted doesn't give anyone the right to harass/send hate to the people they are rumoured to be with. First of all, they are maybe actually together. Recall that nobody knows the truth, at the end of the day.. And let's say some of them have been actual beards : they are still human beings. And nobody knows why they would do it, maybe they are victims too. So let's not spread hate ! Sometimes i think this kind of behaviour from some "fans" actually shows some kind of unconscious misogyny. Just a personal thought). So yeah, it would definitely be huge. This celebrity might become a symbol, stuff like that. But once again, she is still human ; so her coming out wouldn't give anyone the right to invade her privacy, to want to know about the details of her relationship etc. (except if she wants/needs to share her experience of the closet ofc. If she does things to express herself and denunce the industry for example, then it would be important to listen to her. But i think that is all we should pay attention to, since her private life is none of our business. I hope i'm clear, i tend to not express myself clearly at times^^' ad as you might have noticed, english is not my native language^^). And since she is also an actress, then she also should be considered and respected as an actress ; which means, in my opinion, that her work shouldn't necessarily be linked with her private life, but with the emotions it can spread, the effects it can have on the watcher etc.

This is the end, i guess ! thank you reading this far. Once again i don't want to make anyone feel bad, i just say what i believe is right and maybe needs to be said. Feel free to comment !

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