2~ New School

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I woke up Monday morning at 6:30, I had to get in the shower before school so I got up and took one when I got out I picked my outfit out I put on a pair of wide-leg jeans a white turtleneck and a black crewneck over top. I wore my watch, rings, and chain. I dried my hair and just left it down and in its natural curls. my makeup was simple and natural  

by the time I got downstairs, it was 7 o'clock Chris leaves for work at 6:30 so it was only Rosan, she made pancakes and bacon, it smelled delicious.

"here honey, make this and eat then you need to be on your way," I smiled and took the plate of food from her. I could feel she wanted to say something more but held herself back.

"thank you" I sat down at the bar stools and ate while she went to get ready. I ate half a pancake and three pieces of bacon, I put my plate in the sink then grabbed my backpack, keys, phone, and AirPods, and walked out to my car. 

the drive to the school wasn't long it was a 10-minute drive. when I got there I saw a bunch of guys everywhere, they were scattered throughout the parking lot and the front of the school. 

This should be fun... Not

I got out and starting walking in I put an AirPod in so I could hear but also tune people out. as I was walking in a lot of the boys stopped and looked at me like I was a fucking flying panda. their eyes are huge and their mouths are dropped. 

Have they never seen a girl before? holy shit. they are acting like I am a whole ass celebrity.

I need to remember this is an all-boys school. When I make it to the middle of the parking lot there are a group of boys coming over to me, they all had on football jerseys and were tall as hell. 

damn my 5'5 self, when they got close to me the one upfront started talking. "and who are you?" he asked I looked at him he had blonde hair and looked weirdly familiar. I just can't place it. 

God, I hate boys, they literally suck, who does he think I am a fly? fucking idiot, let's be a bitch.

"a person, like you." I deadpan the boy looks shocked and a few behind me snicker. I continue walking and the boy follows right next to me. 

Damn it where do I remember him from?

"Well, no shit I mean what's your name?" he askes, I smile

"you should have asked that then not ' who are you ' who starts a conversation like that. also, my name is something for me to know and you to figure out. if you leave and come back later ready to have a proper conversation maybe I will give you my name. for now, you can leave me alone." His face was priceless he looked utterly shocked, hilarious. for a while, everyone stood there shocked.

Ha bitch I don't wanna deal with their shit. They need to know I don't wanna be messed with

I fake smiled and walked off, all of the eyes following my every move. When I walked into the building more eyes were on me. I made my way to the office and was greeted by a nice lady she looked to be around 30 and her hair was down in loose waves. she looked up from her computer and smiled.

"you must be Gianna nice to meet you, my name is Ms. Blue I have your schedule and time block right here." she reaches across her desk and grabbed some papers, before walking over to me. she handed me my schedule and time block. 

That was fast and efficient didn't even have to say anything, just how I like it.

"thank you. it's nice to meet you too." I looked down at the papers and saw I have math first, then English, then study hall, then world history, then lunch, and lastly my finance class. I already did my PE and health as a freshman so I don't have pe. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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