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Open Day // Closed Hearts

After the whole fiasco with Aurelia's mother, Wilhelm thought she might wish to check out some of the schools that she had applied to - or, more so, one in particular. Hillerska always had a half year intake of students, in an attempt to broaden their horizons and make more money; there were always a few students who were forced to drop out each half year.

Because of this, it meant Hillerska was having an open campus day that following Friday. Evangeline had kindly given Aurelia the afternoon off, so she and Wilhelm had taken to the private school for the open day.

"There's some people that we're going to avoid," Wilhelm whispered, as they crossed over from the street onto the school's grounds, "You don't need to know specifics, but one person in particular is probably going to try and talk to us. If that happens, we're going to run".

"Run?" Aurelia questioned, "Because we don't want to talk to this person?" She raised an eyebrow in question, Wilhelm sighing.

"He's a bad person," Wilhelm explained, "And he lost my trust, which he knows. Felice!" His tone changed dramatically; before, he spoke in a more somber tone, but when he spotted the darker skinned girl with the beautiful dark hair, his voice became light once more. Aurelia watched with a smile on her face as Wilhelm embraced the girl, very clearly a friend of his. She waved silently as Wilhelm introduced her to the girl - Felice - and her friend, Madison.

"You're a new face," Felice commented, "Are you planning on attending Hillerska?" Once again, Aurelia nodded silently. Felice smiled kindly back at her, not mentioning the fact that Aurelia hasn't spoken a word since she and Madison had walked over. "Have you warned her about August? We're still not speaking to him, yes?" She eyed Wilhelm as if she knew something, Madison having the expression questioning yet expecting expression plastered on her face.

"I told her we aren't speaking to him, yeah," Wilhelm nodded, "But I didn't give her specifics," Aurelia looked to Wilhelm, unsure of what she was missing. The Prince didn't elaborate. Instead, he asked, "We ready to go in?" Felice and Madison voicing their agreement, Aurelia nodded wordlessly.

They began with the classrooms. Felice and Madison got sidetracked rather quickly with friends who had volunteered for the open day, which gave Wilhelm a chance to pull Aurelia over to the side. "You haven't said a word to Felice or Madison, or even me when they were with us," Wilhelm said, "I understand if perhaps you don't like them very much, but...I guess what I'm asking is that the case? You don't like them? Because that's cool, we can ditch them".

Aurelia shook her head in disagreement, "I do like them, Wilhelm. They seem like really nice people, who really care about you. I just get really anxious around new people, and I tend not to talk. I do like them," She promised, "They're just new people".

"You spoke to me just fine," Wilhelm commented, not trying to sound rude or offensive.

"You were originally a customer. It was after that that we spoke as friends, so I was more comfortable being and speaking around you. It's annoying, my anxiety, to say the least. I do like your friends, though".

She and Wilhelm were standing while leaning against the wall. Wilhelm stood directly in front of Aurelia, and she had a clear view of the double glass doors which lead out to the courtyard area of the school. As she spoke, Aurelia spotted the familiar boy in the purple jumper who was hanging around Rosknopp the other day. She hadn't realised he had been a student at Hillerska.

Wilhelm said something which Aurelia didn't catch. After turning away from him again to see if the boy had stuck around, Aurelia found he hadn't. Wilhelm had barely mentioned him, and Aurelia didn't even know the boy's name. She knew better than to ask.

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