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The Act of Disappearing

Wilhelm had spent the better part of that Saturday night recounting everything which had happened between his exchange with Simon. Aurelia had listened with a smile on her face, as Wilhelm wandered around the room chatting excitedly.

They had been up until the early hours of the next morning, before Wilhelm was finally called back to the Palace by security, leaving Aurelia alone in her apartment for the rest of the night. Despite their late parting, Wilhelm turned up at Rosknopp early that Sunday morning, only to find Evangeline at the counter.

As he approached the back of the store, Evangeline looked up, spotted the Prince and shook her head sadly. Unsure of what she was trying to say, Wilhelm hurried over, Evangeline downcasting her eyes as she finished drying off the last of the coloured mugs. "Is everything alright?" Wilhelm asked, a sinking feeling developing in his chest. Evangeline was not looking confident.

"She isn't here," Evangeline replied, stacking the mugs on top of the coffee machine, "I checked her apartment and the streets surrounding here. Her phone's off too; she hasn't replied to any of my texts since last night, and hasn't picked up the phone since this morning. I'm assuming she didn't turn up at the Palace if you're here alone".

Wilhelm narrowed his eyes, "Who, Aurelia? Are you sure? She's never missed a shift before, and she told me to meet her here this morning. You didn't give her the day off today, did you?" Wilhelm's mind was spinning, and he was trying to think up every other possibility as to why Aurelia would suddenly be missing.

Evangeline had been correct in the matter that Aurelia hadn't stopped by the Palace, unless she did it at like four am, when only the king's men would have been awake. She had appeared fine when he left last night; Wilhelm was sure Aurelia was smart enough to know that going out at three in the morning was dangerous for anyone.

"No, I didn't. We're both full time," Evangeline looked as puzzled as Wilhelm felt, "You guys were up late last night. She didn't mention anything about leaving, or perhaps she had an appointment or something?" She asked, in the same trying tone as Wilhelm had spoken in. It appeared both teenagers were as worried as each other.

Wilhelm shook his head in response. "She hasn't picked up her phone, Wilhelm," Evangeline said again, "I haven't heard from her in over twelve hours. Has she texted you this morning?" Again, Wilhelm shook his head.

Evangeline glanced over his shoulder to see an elderly couple who frequented the cafe entered through the glass doors. "I have customers," She sounded pained to say it, but there was work to be done. "Are you able to go look for her? She might pick up if it's you, I know you two have gotten closer since the other week".

"Of course," Wilhelm nodded dutifully, "I'll be back in a couple hours to let you know how I go. Call if she turns up here?" He asked; now it was Evangeline's turn to nod.

He turned away from the barista as she began to serve the couple who had walked in a few moments ago. As he left Rosknopp behind himself, Wilhelm pulled out his phone and searched for Aurelia contact on his phone. Once he found it, he hit the call button without hesitation.

The phone rang out nine times before it sent him to voice message - he didn't bother leaving one. Instead, he pocketed his phone (after ensuring the ringer was on and was loud) before heading down the street. His plan for the moment was to just wander around and hope that Aurelia turned up at Rosknopp when he returned in a couple hours, safe and unharmed.

He didn't have high hopes for that to happen, though. 


(650 words)

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